(8) Gender Reveals & Kicks

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Two months later,

It was the night before her gender reveal appointment when Bucky came in drunk around 2 AM. She raised up when he turned on his lamp. 

"What are you doing up?" He said 

"Waiting for you." She said 

"I don't want sex." He said 

"I was wondering if you would like to come with me tomorrow? Dr Abbott is going to tell us if the baby is a boy or a girl." She said 

"No.." he said 

"But.." she said but was cut off. 

"Mirabella I said no! Don't push it!" He said as he got into bed. 

She looked down to blink away tears, she laid back down and put her back to him. 

"No pouting Mirabella." He said as he turned off the lamp. 

The next morning Winnie accompanied her to the gender appointment. Dr Abbott moved the wand all around and checking everything. 

"It looks like you are expecting a boy." Dr Abbott said 

"Great.." she whispered 

Bucky got the news, he ran to James' office. 

"Its a boy!" He yelled 

"Congratulations my son." James said 

The others joined them in the cigar room of the office building. 

Two weeks later, Bucky and Mirabella were laying in bed. 

"Do you want to feel him kick?" She said 

"No." He said 

"But this is your son! And you never want anything to do with me or him. You won't even touch me!" She snapped 

"Mirabella thats enough!" He yelled 

She threw the blankets off of her and left the bedroom she went to sleep in the guest bedroom. 

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