(26) A Wedding Fit For A Queen

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1 year later,

Everyone gathered at a Italian castle for the big day. Mirabella had asked Lucy to be her maid of honor while Bucky asked his brother Duncan to be his best man. 

They also carried out some of the italian wedding traditions, they put a small rip in her veil and Bucky slipped a piece of iron in his pocket. 

Winnie walked Mirabella down the aisle, the minister began the ceremony once Winnie took her seat. Mirabella helped Bucky wipe his face of his happy tears. 


Gosh um how do I begin?! I know when I first met you I was terribly scared of you. I was thrown into a world that I knew nothing of and I felt like you didn't try to understand me. I always saw my life a much different way with friends, college, a career, a man I married for love, my dream home and a house full of kids. So when I was thrusted into your world it was a total shell shock. Then I started to never feel safe or cared about. I thought I was just here to bring you heirs. I never felt like I was important to you or someone you wanted to love, but I wanted to try again for the sake of our son. But you pushed me away even further. After that I had no will to live. I was completely broken, lost and empty. Every day I felt like I was living my worst nightmare. So when the attack happened, I had already given up. I was ready to leave this earth. But I woke up in the hospital upset. I hated you with everything fiber of my being and I told you that. But then something crazy happened. You became attentive, affectionate, kind, thoughtful, protective and selfless. Watching you become nervous because you wanted to please me confused me and warmed my frozen heart a little. You wouldn't leave my side unless you had to and I didn't have to want for anything. You wouldn't let anyone other than the doctors, nurses and my physical therapist take care of me. You spent time with me and actually listened to me. I thought you did all that to make up for your guilt and at first I truly believed that's what it was. But then I noticed how much you enjoyed taking care of me. I saw you smile for the first time and for the first time I smiled. You made jokes and laughed which slowly dissipated my hate. Then you became my friend who I felt I could talk to and possibly trust. Then you slowly became the man that I love. As horrible as that event was, in a way I guess it was supposed to happen because it broke you. It turned you into the man that's standing before me today with nothing, but love and admiration in his eyes instead of anger. Even though it took me a while, I began to trust and feel safe with you. You reassured me every day that you were no longer the beast in my nightmare. You became prince charming in my fairytale. Your once cold demeanor turned warm and soft. Your affection became gentle and sweet. Your words became loving and kind. The man before me is sensitive, thoughtful, considerate, loving, affectionate, warm and funny. I love that I only get to see that side of you besides our kids. You were consistent in how you treated me which made my walls come down.After some time I realized that I had fallen completely in love with you even though I never knew what that feeling was. I found myself wanting to touch you, kiss you, talk to you and be near you. Butterflies would erupt in my stomach when I heard your voice or received a message from you. Even though I held my composure, when you would walk threw the door, all I wanted was to jump in your arms. Then watching you become the loving and affectionate father I always wanted for my kids made me love you even more. I know that our story was terrible at the beginning, but I'm glad to know that even when people are at their worst they can change. Something in me told me to give you another chance and I'm so glad that I did because you became the love my life. James baby, I love you wholeheartedly and I will continue to do so for the rest of our lives. I may not always like what you want to do, but I will try to support you. I will stay true to you, honor you and always be there for you. Even when you've had a tough day. You know that you can come lay in my arms and I will hold you and massage your scalp. That I will be the place you call home after you've been out fighting the world. That I will protect you to the best of my ability and always be loyal. I'm your ear, your shoulder, your friend and will hold your hand through the tough times. I love you James Buchanan and I'm glad this day I get to choose to spend forever with you."

"Mira, My doll... I can't even began to say how lucky I feel to have you by my side. I held you when you first came into this world. They told me I was already protective of you even at three years old. Then I completely lost my way for to guidance and my own decisions. Once you were brought to me years later, I hurt you, mistreated you and took you for granted. There's never a day that goes by that I don't regret how I treated you. It kills me know I had such treasure right in front of me, bit I threw her away line she was trash. If I had taken the time to get to know you and allow you to get to know me, I would've found out sooner how wonderful and an amazing person you truly are. Your gorgeous exterior has nothing on the beauty you carry internally. When you smile my dark world is immediately bright. Even though I tried to fight it, all I ever wanted was your love and acceptance. I just went about it completely wrong and I want happy about the results I pushed you away. Instead of silencing you, I should've listened. Instead of leaving you I should've held you. Instead of scaring you I should've loved you. The day I almost lost you for good, I realized how much of a fool I was. Even after all the hurtful and mean things I did and said to you, you still tried to offer me an olive branch. I let my pride and ego take it for granted. I felt like such a prick because for the first time I truly didn't appreciate my wife until I saw you lifeless on the floor and in that hospital bed. Man nights I cried myself to sleep, hoping and praying that I could you open your eyes again. It drove me mad and I've never felt so destroyed, helpless and alone in my life. It still haunts me too this day, but it needed to happen to make me see what I was about to lose. It was the hardest and most horrifying lesson that I've ever experienced. I never thought something or someone could trump my love for business, but I was wrong. When I decided to put down my walls and let you in, my hard exterior crumbled. For the first time in my life, I fell in love. You've become my weakness in the best possible way. I worship the ground you walk on because you're my Queen. You are my place of peace and my anchor. We all know I have a bit of a temper, but looking into your beautiful ocean blue eyes and inhaling your tantalizing smell melts the anger away immediately. While working all I ever want to do is run home to you. Hearing you talk excitedly about a book you read in the library or something new you learned puts my world back on it's axis. Some of my most favorite nights with you are when we're walking in the garden and me laying on your chest as you read a book out loud. I know that may make me sound soft or whipped, but a quiet night with you is my ideal day. When I walk in the door and see you, my battle armor instantly comes off and all I want to do is grab you in my arms and kiss you senseless. With you I don't have to be the boss I can just be Bucky. You make me feel loved, appreciated, desired and important which is all I ever wanted in a woman. Other women see a title and money. You're the only one who sees the real me behind all of that which is why no one will ever compare to you. I've placed you on an unreachable pedestal that no woman in this world could close to. You're an amazing mother and I smile watching you with our kids. I know you were scared at first being so young, but you've stood up and became a natural. I'm not surprised though because you have a light that draws people in like a moth to a flame. I know that I was none of these things before, but I promise today that I will be. I promise to love you, listen to you and to be there for you. I promise to protect you and our kids with every inch of my life. I promise to never make you feel alone or that you're not loved. I promise to continue to talk to you and come to you when something is bothering me. I promise to respect you and to remind you how much I value you. I promise to be considerate of your feelings in all the decisions that I make and to ask your opinions. I promise to never intentionally hurt you in any way again and if I do hurt you unintentionally to apologize and make things right with you. Most of all I promise to be faithful, loyal and true to you and our marriage. You're my world baby doll. I know it took me a while to realize that, but I'm going to do everything in my power to show you how much I love you and adore you Mrs. Barnes. So thank you for giving me a second chance because I know I don't deserve it. I hope that you know you changed me and made me a better man and father. I love you with everything in me doll face and for the rest of our lives I promise to show you how much I love and cherish you."

They exchanged new wedding bands, and broke glass. When Bucky kissed her he dipped her which made everyone hoot and cheer. They both changed into a different outfit for the reception. 

Their first dance was to "Wonderwall." By Oasis. Lucy caught her bouquet and Ezekiel caught her garter. 

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