(21) Discharged&Determined

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2 months later,

All the wives had been discharged from the compound hospital. 

"We abolished the no wives rule at club." James said to Winnie. 

She looked over at him, "That is a better choice." She said 

When they pulled up to the house, James helped her inside and surprised her with a new master suite. 

"James its beautiful." She said when she saw it. 

"Im glad you like it." He said as he helped her lay down. 

Meanwhile, at the other end of the compound. Bucky was helping Mirabella up the stairs. 

"So we have abolished the no wives rule at the club, and um..he will stay home with you until he is 12." He said 

"Well..I guess thats okay." She said 

"It was the best we could do Mira my love." He said as they stopped in front of their new master suite. 

He opened the door for her, "I added a little pink to our room but not to much." He said 

She saw the pink Chanel throw pillows on the bed, and smiled. After he helped her laid down he gave her a gift bag. 

Pink Apple LaptopPink iPhone Pink AirpodsPink Chanel Airpod CasesPink and Black Chanel iPhone CasePink Apple WatchPink iPad 

"Bucky thank you." She said 

He leaned down, and gently kissed her lips. "Anything to see you smile my queen." He said as he cupped her cheek. 

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