(1) Making Plans

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Sixteen Years Later,

James had the day marked on the calendar of Mirabella's 16th birthday, ever since he found out that Edward arranged a marriage for her with The De Costa's son. A rivaling mafia in Moscow, he has had spies all around feeding him information on The Rossis.

"Hey boss what's the plan?" Ezekiel said 

"We have a plan for some of your best men Zeke. I need you all to do this successfully." James Sr said 

"Time to bring me my bride." Bucky said as he lit his cigar. 

"Operation Mirabella." Ezekiel said 

"Yes." James Sr said 

"Okay boys, here is the blueprints of the boarding school. This is the parking lot and according Hanson she parks here. There is no camera here and here." James said 

"How are we to lure her outside." Tony said 

"This is her number, one of you will pretend to be a girl who attends the school. Just say something like you left something in her car. Once she is outside and alone make your moves." James said 

"She isn't to be touched understand. I need her pure." Bucky said 

"Yes sir." Tiny said 

"Guards?" Louis said 

"Yes, you all will need to infiltrate early so it doesn't throw anyone off." James Sr said 

"Does she have a room mate?" Tony said 

"Yes, you will need to find a way to spike her room mate so she will be sleeping." James said 

"Okay boss." Louis said 

"So Zeke get a team together make sure we have no slip ups this time." James said 

"When do we leave?" Zeke  said 

"Three days.." James said as he looked at the calendar. 

"You heard the boss man lets get to work boys." Ezekiel said 

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