(25) Be My Queen?

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Three months later,

It was Mirabella's birthday again, she was officially 18. She spent the day with the other Barnes ladies at the spa. When she returned home, Lulu met her with a card. 

"Master Barnes said to give you this when you returned." Lulu said 

"Thank you Lulu." She said as she took the pink envelope. 

She opened the card. 

"Happy Birthday my queen! Lots of surprises are in store for you. Quickly get dress and meet me in the garden. -B" 

She smiled as she closed it. "Everytime I go to the spa Lulu that man is busy." She said

They both giggled. 

Mirabella went into the bedroom, where the bed was covered in gift bags. She opened up all of them. 

Pink/Black RolexPink Rolex6 Chanel Purses4 Chanel Sets5 Pink Diamond BraceletsPink Diamond Jewelry SetPink Diamond "B" Necklace & Charm

"Oh James Buchanan.." she whispered 

She quickly got dressed, and met him in the garden. 

"You've out done yourself." She said 

"Not even close my queen." He said as they began to slow dance under the stars. 

After two slow dances and dinner, he took her to the other side of the garden. Where there was more roses and candles. 


My gorgeous doll on this day several years ago I held you in my arms for the first time. I didn't know that years later it would have such importance until now. You are everything any man could ever want, desire and need. I can be vulnerable around you without feeling like I'm judged. You constantly break down my hard shell and love me past my anger. You bring out the best in me baby. Almost losing you that day destroyed me in a way I never knew was possible. I made a decision then and there that I would never hurt or mistreat you again. There's the saying you don't know what you have until it's gone. Well I almost permanently lost you. If I had I wouldn't been able to cope. I didn't realize how much you meant to me until you almost left me for good. I don't ever want to feel like that again. I still struggle with the guilt of it all and wish that I could take back everything I ever did to you because loving you makes me feel better than I ever did when I tried to control you. I've never been in love until you. I never wanted to be a husband until you. It took me almost losing it all to see what kind of person and husband and I needed to be. You're my everything and I don't ever want lose what we have now. I love you and I want to do this right because you deserve the world doll face." Bucky dropped to one knee as he pulled out the ring box and opened it feeling a huge pink diamond. "So with that being said, Mirabella Victoria Rossi-Barnes will you be my queen forever and marry me again, but this time for love?"

He dropped to one knee and held opened the ring box. She wiped a few tears away as she meaklu said "yes" 

He slid the new ring on her finger, and stood up. They shared a passionate kiss as he picked her up. 

"Two more surprises." He said 

"James.." she whispered 

They went to the garage where he gifted her with a pink range rover and a blinged out key fob. 

"But please be careful my queen I can't lose you." He said 

"I will." She said as they went inside. 

They went to their house's ballroom where everyone yelled "Surprise!" 

Bucky had planned a surprise birthday party that was also a engagement party. 

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