Chapter 1 - The Black Knight

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In an earlier time period of human history, the famed inventor Nikola Tesla is amidst a conversation with two exotic, angelic looking beings. One male and the other female. Both the beings are of an appearance that is distinctly non human, but very similar just the same.

The beings complexion is that of a soft purple tint, with silver hair and dressed in white garments.

The female hands over to Nikola blueprints, calculations, and various other text of scientific importance while wearing a benevolent smile. As Nikola reaches for the offering he is enveloped in a sense of peace, understanding, and wisdom projected from the angelic being.

He studies the gift given to him and exhales in astonishment.

Nikola: This.....These are all progressions of my work! Material applications to my theories! Everything I’d been missing! It’s all right here!

Male: Use it to enlighten and benefit your people, that’s all we ask.

Nikola: But why?

The female alien smiles at Nikola warmly

Female: Why not?

Nikola stares at the angelic beings in confusion.

Nikola: Why me?

The female leans forward still smiling.

Female: Why not?

And so after a short exchange of gratitude and well wishing the two beings left the little blue planet known as Earth, never to return.

In the present; high above the earth in polar orbit a black probe satellite of mysterious origin suddenly begins to stir as the sounds of computational beeps and chirps can be heard emanating from within the craft. The sounds then begin to coalesce and play a song filling the lonely void of space. The song “Cosmic Love” by Florence and the Machine.

Suddenly, the aft portion of the craft begins to slowly unfold and open not unlike pedals of a flower revealing twin booster rockets.

As the melody dances and serenades the empty twilight; the probe blasts through space in an ever falling trajectory towards the planet earth. Spinning and falling through the atmosphere not unlike a ricocheting bullet to the relentless drumming and otherworldly chorus of the song.

As the song escalates the probe shakes violently and is encompassed in the heat of entering the earth’s atmosphere. Now a black fireball with pieces breaking off of the craft one after another in conjunction with the music as it falls and falls towards the earth.

On the lowly planet, onlookers watch in astonishment as the craft spins and falls into the earth leaving a massive crater in a cornfield outside of a small town within the United States.

The locals approach the crater cautiously which is still smoldering from the probes descent and see the probe lying amidst the crater, surprisingly still intact.

A young child pokes at the probe with a tree branch; which immediately opens up once again, revealing a holographic display of three words. Three simple words which would change the fate of the world as we know it:

“Jesus Is Risen”

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