Chapter 5 - Dead Languages And The Living Pestilence

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The group appears once again, this time in the field outside of DC where Alpha and Jorg witnessed the destruction of New Eden in the sky above them.

The field itself has been burned, the grass charred into odd looking pictographs arranged neatly as if to convey a specific meaning.

Arranged all around the field is yet another clustered group of curious followers and witnesses murmuring superstitiously at the indecipherable message lying before them.

Suddenly; Jorg, Alpha, and Luna look on as a small helicopter lands in the middle of the field and none other than the televangelist Bobby Wafer himself with an entourage following him, steps out of the helicopter and into the field.

Jorg: DAMNIT! Not this water head asshat again!

Luna: Yeah.....I'm getting kinda tired of this guy.

Alpha: Let's just hurry up, get this over with and maybe he'll go away.

Luna: Well those are odd shapes, I've never seen them before...

Alpha: Of course you wouldn't have, it's ancient Sumerian.

Luna: What does it say?

Alpha: It sa-

Alpha is suddenly interrupted by Bobby Wafer who is once again standing before a makeshift podium and espousing rhetoric.

Bobby Wafer: We gather here today before yet another sign of the divine purpose given to us by our most holy, on high to witness the resurrection playing out before our very eyes!

Bobby Wafer: I'd like to take this moment to lead us all in prayer...

The three stare blankly at the televangelist with disdain.

The preacher raises one hand into the air and begins speaking in an incoherent, jabbering dialect while swaying from one side to the other while rolling his eyes into the back of his head.


Luna: ......What the hell is he doing?

Alpha: Speaking in tongues.

Jorg begins chuckling to himself

Luna: What's so funny Jorg?

Jorg: He's saying he likes the smell of his own farts!

Luna: Do you think he even knows what he's saying?

Alpha: Probably not...


The preacher is joined by several dozens of followers all reciting the same words; convulsing, planting their hands on one another's foreheads, and staggering around in circles with their hands in the air.

Luna watches in disbelief then shakes her head from side to side and questions Alpha.

Luna: So what does the message say?

Alpha: Roughly translated it speaks of the persecution and oppression of the poor in a despondent time, that while these people suffer their needs are endeavored while those of decadence, of wealth and power are reaffirmed and empowered.

The preacher suddenly pauses and begins reciting the "third seal"

Bobby Wafer : "And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."

Bobby Wafer: IT IS THE THIRD SEAL! Further proof of the return of our lord! When the meek are driven to starve in sacrifice to greed and wealth!

Bobby Wafer: Our Lord has spoken once more!

The army of followers begin to chant and praise at the words spoken by the preacher.

Alpha: On to the next one...

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