Chapter 10 - The Holy Hand Of Jorg

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And so Alpha reappears back at the bar with a new air of self discovery and determination about him.

He looks to see both Luna and Jorg’s eyes glued to a television set mounted on the wall.

On it there is a pressing news bulletin with the words “Religious fanatics storm the Vatican” imprinted upon the news cast.

Luna begins to speak aloud.

Luna: We have t-

Alpha interrupts her solemnly

Alpha: Do something!

Luna looks at Alpha with surprise.

Luna: You will!?

Alpha: I have to...

Jorg: Let’s kick their asses!

Alpha responds wisely

Alpha: No Jorg, not this time. We have to set things right. We have to reach them another way.

Jorg: But you can’t fix stupid!

Alpha: No, maybe not. But we can try!

And so our heroes blip away, one final time; to the center of the beast built by Alpha. The Vatican.

The three appear inside the prefecture of the Vatican as religious figureheads and servants are barricading the Vatican’s main doors masked in the sounds of an angry mob with intermittent pounding and muffled screams that can be heard on the other side of the door.

An Arch Bishop speaks to a papal servant.

Arch Bishop: Where is the Pope!? We need his leadership! We need him to address the people and stop this violence!

Servant: He left to the lavatory 3 hours ago and I haven’t been able to coax him out.

Arch Bishop: Jesus.....not again!

Alpha, Luna, Jorg, and Alf follow closely behind as the Arch Bishop climbs a winding staircase of the papacy and starts hammering on a lavatory door.

A subtle and yet unnerving grunting sound can be heard from the other side of the door. At first the lavatories occupant is completely unresponsive, yet shortly afterwards the following can be heard muttered from the other side of the door.

Pope: Dio ha dotato lei ... e lei ... e lei!

To which the Arch Bishop responds.

Arch Bishop: padre la tua attenzione è necessaria!

And is abruptly answered with an air of irritation.

Pope: Va via! Sono occupato!

Arch Bishop: Oh Dio! I don’t know what else to do...

Alpha steps forward.

Alpha: I do.

The Arch Bishop; first having been oblivious to the Papacy’s guests, rears back with surprise.

Arch Bishop: You two! Such strange creatures...Why have you come to the Papacy!?!

Alpha answers solemnly

Alpha: Because I created this mess and we’re here to put a stop to it.

Arch Bishop: Well I won’t turn away assistance, what do you need?

Alpha: We need you to clear the room and open those doors.

Arch Bishop: This is madness! Those people are violent and angry!

Jorg responds calmly

Jorg: We’ll deal with them...

And so, the papacy is vacated and Alpha stands before the papacy entrance, using his telekinesis to slowly open it’s doorway.

Alpha speaks to Jorg

Alpha: Ready Jorg!?

Jorg bounces up and down in his air jordans while stretching enthusiastically.

Jorg: READY!

As the doors open wide, the mob spills through the entrance carrying clubs and crying out for blood Luna chastises Jorg in a matronly manner.

Luna: Remember Jorg, DON’T HURT THEM!

Jorg waves away Luna’s advisement casually.

Jorg: This won’t hurt....too much!

And before another word can be spoken Jorg vaults himself towards the doorway and uses his martial skills to kick, punch, disarm and push back the mob.

A single mob member swings a baseball bat at Jorg’s head which he feints and dodges, punches the man in the chest repeatedly and palm strikes him back through the doorway.

Jorg: Ya mammy!

Another tries to kick Jorg and as his leg rises into the air Jorg catches it, flips him onto the ground, then kicks him in the abdomen causing him to slide back through the doorway.

Jorg: Ya mammy!

Jorg palm strikes another mob member in the forehead and as he flies back through the doorway.

Jorg: Blessed be you, Mammy!

Jorg jumps into the air and roundhouse kicks a crowd of mob members back through the doorway.

Jorg: Mammy, Mammy, Mammy, Mammy!

The doorway now temporarily cleared; Jorg turns and runs back towards the entranceway of the papacy, then turns back around, discharges his telekinetic energy and vaults himself back towards the doorway as an even bigger mob tries to force itself through the doorway.


Jorg drop kicks the entire group with telekinetic infused energy which blasts the group back through the doorway and onto the ground some distance away from the entrance as the papacy’s doors are ripped off their hinges and scattered across the entranceway in small pieces.

Jorg summersaults through the air and lands on the ground infront of the papacy in a martial defensive position.

Jorg: Y’all all a buncha MAMMIES!

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