Chapter 13 - Another Angel Came and Stood Upon the Alter

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As our heroes look on in amusement at the discombobulated holy man; now holding the plaintive puppy in the air above his head, caught in an ever increasing state of wonder.

A solitary figure slowly steps out of the eerily silent crowd and approaches the square.

Masked in a white hoodie, as the figure approaches Alpha can hear a familiar voice repeating very familiar words spoken to him once long, long ago.

Minerva: Now that’s the Nephilim I remember...

Alpha reels in surprise, greeting his long lost love.

Alpha: Minerva! It’s you! You’re back!?

Jorg chimes in excitedly.

Jorg: Minnie!

Suddenly, Alf scrambles from out of the preacher’s grasp and jumps into the arms of the mysterious, alien female as she tosses back her hood revealing long, silver hair and a purple tinted complexion.

She pets the young dog as he licks her face furiously and whimpers with content.

Minerva: Good boy! Thank you little one!

Jorg responds with curiosity.

Jorg: Minnie, you know Alf!?

Minerva answers with an air of serenity.

Minerva: Well I should, I’m the one who gifted him to you!

Jorg responds with astonishment.

Jorg: You did!?

Minerva answers with a smile

Minerva: Yes I did, Nephilim. You see, I knew the two of you needed a friend. And that I’d need a little help reaching you.

She glances at Alpha bashfully

Alpha answers knowingly

Alpha: This was all you wasn’t it? The fallen satellite, the seven seals. I knew I thought I felt you but I assumed it was a trick of the mind.

Minerva: Yes, it was me.

Luna begins to speak.

Luna: But why? Why construct all of this just to reach out to these two!?

Minerva answers patiently

Minerva: I’d discovered you and “Jorg” is it? Returned to earth not long after your confrontation with the beast.

Luna: Legion!?

Minerva: Yes!

Minerva: But something had changed about you. You were colder, angry, bitter. I knew this was my doing. And so I planted Alf; watched and waited until I saw an opportunity to help you return you to your old ways.

Alpha steps foreword towards Minerva and as he speaks to her a faint melody can be heard trailing throughout the square from behind.

Serenading everything within the square as the two speak. It is the melody of “Purple Rain” by Prince.

Alpha: You did all of this....just to get through to me?

Minerva: Yes, Nephilim. And I’m so sorry that I’d ever left you. I have missed you for millennia.

Alpha: But what about the one you left with? Your partner?

Minerva: We parted ways long ago. I was wrong about him but when I realized that it was far too late. Some things you just can’t force, some things that one might have another might not.

Minerva: He just....wasn’t you. And when I discovered you’d fled the Earth with Jorg, that you had exiled yourselves; I felt ashamed. I felt a loss like no other. So I too exiled myself for so very long, torn over the loss of the one I knew I truly loved.

Alpha begins to shed tears as the melody of the song builds.

Alpha: I love you too!

And so the two embrace, as they do Minerva giggles and as Alpha turns to look at what has garnered her attention, he sees Jorg holding a big Bluetooth speaker above his head while Luna stands beside him holding her cellular phone.

Luna: .....He made me do it!


Alpha: Fuck you, Jorg!

And as Alpha speaks; Jorg proceeds to power slide, moonwalk, and dance tailed closely by his faithful puppy.


As Alpha curses at Jorg in embarrassment, as the two females find friendship in laughter and as a misguided preacher continues to worship a small dog;  our story ends.

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