Chapter 11 - Let Love Reign

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Alpha solemnly steps out from beneath the archway of the papacy and slowly walks past Jorg and Alf as they bark fiercely at the encroaching, angry mob.

A Mob member yells towards the two extraterrestrials.

Mob member: We’ve come looking for the messiah! We know he’s here! They’re hiding him and think they can keep him all to themselves!

Another mob member chimes in.

Mob member: Fucking Catholics!

Luna speaks to the solemn Alpha.

Luna: Tell them who you are Alpha.

Alpha waves his hands and uses his telekinesis to lift the mob and seat them gently into St. Peter’s square where thousands of other fervent believers have gathered.

Alpha begins walking into the square and as he does so his mind reflects on the centuries that religious figures have treaded the very same cobblestones, in the shadow of the very same palace that was founded in contradiction to everything he once believed. Like a gangrenous, rotting sore it’s meticulous architecture and finery brought a chill through Alpha’s small frame.

As he continues to tread through these very same stones he winces with the pain of guilt at having inadvertently created such a monstrous institution of perversion and excess. A means to chain mankind rather than elevate them towards a higher purpose.

Alpha pauses before the gathering of humanity standing before him and he once again feels the sense of deja vu that had moved him just moments before.

This was not the first time Alpha spoke to an audience of fervent believers, but he hoped that it would be the last.

Alpha: I need you people to listen and to listen carefully...

Alpha looks overhead and can see drones and news helicopters flying above.

He continues to speak.

Alpha: The person you know as Jesus Christ...your “messiah”, the founder of your faith...

Alpha hesitates once more.

Alpha: He is here, yes. He has returned...

The audience begins to murmur and then cheer.

Alpha: But he was....he is no god. Nor was he just a man. He wasn’t mystical, or godsend or all powerful. He was just an idea, a feeling, a manifestation of emotion coupled with good intentions.

The crowd murmurs once more

Alpha: The teachings you know as “Christianity” were my own. A gift. A sentiment. An act of love. An expression of the purest purpose. Long, long ago a dear friend taught me a most important lesson. How to love. I fell for this person and in doing so became something more. We used our love to enlighten humanity. To teach things like medicine, science, compassion, justice and most of all....forgiveness.

Alpha: These teachings were warped and stolen; used to manipulate, control, wage war and elevate men above other men!

Alpha’s eyes begin to swell with tears as he speaks passionately.

Alpha: But...but that was never my intention, it was NEVER what I wanted. Why I chose that path. It was just love, that’s all it was ever meant to be!

No one is perfect, especially not me. I let myself lose that purpose, I fell. I lost the one that taught me love to begin with and I lost myself.

The crowd is suspended in silence as Alpha continues to speak.

Alpha: Jesus has not returned in that your messiah is arisen, Jesus has returned in that love must. It has to. Because it’s really all we have in this life. So we must hold onto it and you people must never forget that like I once did!

And as Alpha finishes his speech a single, solitary shoe flies through the air towards his head; accompanied by words shouted above the quiet murmur in ignorant defiance.

Bobby Wafer: BLASPHEMER!

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