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Terrako solidified at Ne'ez Yohma Shrine, located in Zora's Domain. He didn't know who Prince Sidon was, but he had a good idea thanks to the images he downloaded from the Sheikah Slate.

    Terrako jumped over the water surrounding the shrine, running up the stairs. He scurried around the main pavilion, searching for the tall, red, fish-man. Rounding the statue of the last Zora princess, Sidon was finally seen gazing up at his sister's stone face. Terrako grabbed the letter and proceeded to jump and whoop infront of the huge Zora, trying to get his attention.

    "What's this?" he said. Sidon bent down to peer at Terrako. Terrako thrust the letter into his hands. "From Zelda!" He opened the letter and read aloud. "Sidon, I need your help." Sidon scrunched his brow in confusion. He continued, "Link has gone into the Yiga Clan hideout, and hasn't come back. The Gerudo Chieftain is keeping me from going to his aid. I know you will help me escape. Please make haste."

    Terrako whooped, pointing to the letter.

    "Link is in trouble. We must help!" Sidon proclaimed. "I'll gather my trident and tell my father. You go get Teba. The Rito, I heard, helped Link."

    Terrako whistled, a little annoyed that he was just running errands, and to save Link, no less. Why was everyone so obsessed with him? Is it because he saved Hyrule? Is that it?

    "Go now!" Sidon said as he stood.

    Terrako would have rolled his eyes if he had any, but instead, he telaported to Rito Village. He ran up and down the many stairs in search of  Teba, replaying his name spoken by Sidon.

    "Daddy's at the flight range!" a young Rito called.

    Terrako made a low whistle, imitating a frustrated growl. He searched for the flight range on the map, then telaported to the shrine. He made his way through the deep snow, sinking into the powder and creating a path. He climbed up into the little hut at the edge of the cliff.

    Bomb arrows hit the targets, bursting into flames. A white flash of feathers darted around the range, shooting arrow after arrow, until the Rito came to rest at the edge of the platform.

    "And what might you be?" Teba asked.

    Terrako whooped and started replaying words he had recorded to give Teba the message.

    Teba sighed and smiled. "That boy can't do anything alone, can he?" Terrako liked him immediately. "Well then, let's go." He dove off the platform, swooping into the sky. Teba circled back around, picking Terrako up with his feet.

    Terrako whistled as they flew over Hyrule, enjoying the time off the ground. When the dusty mountains of Gerudo Highlands appeared, he grew disappointed that Link was coming back.

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