Author's note/Ackowledgments

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Wow. My first book on Wattpad.


To be honest, I kind of just made this story up on the fly. I knew where I wanted it to go and the major points, but I literally planned chapters out the day before I wrote them. I can't believe how many views it got before it was even complete. But I have finally finished this side quest!

This was actually a smaller project I decided to work on while writing a completely original book. It will take me a while to finish it, so I hope to do more small projects like Heros Between Realms.

Thank you to all those who made it to the end! I greatly appreciate your support and love of Link and Zelda and their world. Thank you to all those who voted and commented. But thank you for reading this.

And let's just give one big thank you to Nintendo for creating The Legend of Zelda. Without them, Hyrule wouldn't exist. Zelda would not be the princess we all came to love. Link wouldn't be the hero sent to save her. And Ganondorf/Ganon wouldn't be the monster we all love to hate.

Again, thank you all. I hope you read whatever adventures and trials come next for our dearly beloved heros.

Well. . . I'm out.

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