Chapter four

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Authors POV

There were two kitchens in the hotel, one attached to each restaurant. The first one smelled strongly of dead fish and the roof looked as if it had fallen in, so they went to check the other instead. The second restaurant wasn't nearly as destroyed, but the kitchen had slim pickings. The enormous refrigerators were full of marinating meat that would probably spoil fast. There was a walk-in freezer, and they opened it, both groaning with pleasure as the cool air puffed out and brushed over their heated skin.

"Its still cold," Cheryl told her, and gestured for Kimberley to follow her in. "Might be cold for a bit longer if we keep the door closed."

The freezer was full of dinner items-frozen chicken, frozen fish, and desserts waiting to be prepared.

"We should eat some of this," kimberley told her. "Can we build a fire somewhere and cook some?"

"If the stove doesn't work, yeah. Pick what you want to eat."

They grabbed a few packages of chicken from the freezer and a large can of peaches from the pantry, and set about making dinner. Cheryl tested the stoves, and one of the gas ranges was working. They grabbed a pan and began to cook the chicken, not talking. While they waited, kimberley found a can opener, opened the peaches, and offered Cheryl a fork.

Cheryl took it from her and speared a peach, and then quickly lifted it to her mouth and popped the dripping slice in.

Kimberley's stomach growled at the sight, and she quickly stuck her fork into a peach slice, lifting it to her mouth, her hand cupped underneath to catch the juices. The first bite was heaven-a sweet, sugary rush flooded her mouth, and the taste of peaches was overwhelming to her starved senses. She licked her fingers and leaned back against the counter. "I think that was the best thing I've ever eaten. I didn't realize how hungry I was until just now."

"We've had our minds on other things."

Once they got to the bottom of the can, kimberley sighed sadly. "I guess it'd be bad manners to lick it, wouldn't it?"

"I'm sure there are other cans."

"Yes, but this one is right here," she pointed out with a grin.

Cheryl watched her for a moment and then leaned forward. Her fingers reached for Kimberley's cheek. "You have some juice in the corner of your mouth."

Automatically, kimberley leaned forward.

Cheryl's fingers brushed against the corner of her lips. At the light contact, Kimberley immediately froze. Her gaze went to cheryl's face, and she watched her with a tension that had suddenly filled her body. Kimberley was intensely aware of her all of a sudden, her presence next to her on the floor, their shoulders barely touching, their legs only inches apart. She was still in her bra and panties.

And cheryl was leaning in.

As kimberley sat there, frozen, cheryl's thumb touched her lower lip. Her gaze was on Kimberley's mouth, and kimberley sucked in a breath at the electric tension that filled the room. Cheryl seemed . . . fascinated by her.

Too soon, Cheryl pulled her thumb away and then licked it, as if tasting her . . . or the peaches.

Kimberley could feel the flush cross her face even as her heart sped up. She wasn't quite sure what to make of that intimate moment.


While she watched the cooking food, Cheryl searched the other elevators and floors for people. It seemed they were the only two that had been trapped.

Cheryl had also found flashlights in a storage closet, which would help them when they explored the dark hotel.

Soon enough, they were seated back in the small kitchen. Dinner was ready, and the sexual tension over the peaches was forgotten as they devoured the chicken. Silence fell over the kitchen as they ate. Cheryl glanced at Kimberley from time to time as she ate. She found herself responding to Kimberley's cheerful smiles. To the way Kimberley's hand seemed to automatically reach for hers now. The way she'd curled up against her . Her outrageous quotes she seemed to pull from out of nowhere.

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