Chapter twenty

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Sorry this update took so long and it's so short however I've been super busy! I'll make the next update longer for you guys anyways enjoy! 

The next morning, I woke up to find Cheryl's body curled around my own, and my arm was asleep from being in a cramped position over my head. I laid there in bed for a long moment, debating getting up, since there was no way I would be able to get out of bed without waking Cheryl.

Sweet, gorgeous Cheryl. God, I loved her so much. But part of me was terrified of getting hurt again, I had chickened out on saying it the night before. But Cheryl seemed to understand that I was scared, and it didn't seem to have bothered her. She just kissed me, and we climbed in to bed together, sleeping in a tangle of limbs because i didn't want to be parted. I had been resting on a spring all night, and my leg was trapped under Cheryl's, and my arm hung off the bed which explained the aching in my body.

However It was undeniably the best night of sleep I'd had in a long time.

My bladder was protesting the hour, though, I sat up, trying and failing to untangle myself without waking Cheryl. She woke up and kissed my arm before rolling out of bed, yawning and stretching. "Morning, love."

Cheryl had been calling me "love" all night, I noticed. I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach whenever she did. I liked it. I felt myself unable to wipe the smile off my face whenever I looked at her. "I need to run to the bathroom before Gretchen gets in there. She's a shower hog."

"Go ahead," Cheryl told me, lying back. She grabbed the pillow and tucked it under her head, as if to go back to sleep.

I grinned and shook my head at her, then raced for the bathroom.

When i returned from showering, i was surprised to see Cheryl up and moving about my room. She was dressed in only her underwear and had made the bed. My suitcase lay atop the blankets, and Cheryl had pulled several of my hung-up clothes out of the closet.

"What's all this?"

Cheryl smiled over at me. "Thought I'd help you get started while I waited for the shower."

"Get started with what?" I crossed my arms over my towel and tried to look open-minded about what she was going to say.

Cheryl's mouth thinned a little. "We're back together now. You're moving back in with me."

Panic settled at the pit of my stomach "Cheryl, no."

Frustration flashed in her gaze. "Why is that a problem, Kimberley?" Her voice sounded as if she were trying to be patient . . . and it were causing her pain.

"Because our relationship is all messed up, Cheryl. You and I were 'moved in together' before we barely even knew each other, and look at how well that worked out."

"It worked out just fine in my eyes."

Of course she'd say that. "Nothing's changed, Cheryl. Last night was great, but I'm allowed to sleep with someone and not move in with them."

Cheryl's face hardened as a stark look of disbelief crossed her gaze. "Is there someone else?" Her voice was deathly serious.

"What? No. Of course not."

Relief flickered in Cheryl's eyes. "Good." She moved forward and pulled me into her arms. "I'm not seeing anyone else, and you're not either. This thing we have, it's just you and me."

"All right."

"And you're moving back in with me." Cheryl sounded so possessive and so utterly sure of herself.

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