Chapter seven

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Cheryl's POV

A line of sunlight streamed in under the stairwell door, giving me just enough light to make out Kimberley's sleeping form next to me. Kimberley shifted in bed, rolling over and tucking her cheek close to my shoulder. Her hand automatically went to my intimate area. Did she realize how often she reached for me in her sleep? Or was this a calculated move? I remained utterly still, listening to Kimberley's evenly spaced breaths.

A light snore escaped her.

I found myself exhaling in relief. That was real. She was real.

I pulled the blanket off mysely slowly inch by inch. Kimberley slept on, though she moved a little closer to me as if seeking heat. I found myself traced my fingers over her shoulder and down her side, resting my hand on her hip. Her skin was soft and smooth, her hips plump, and her full backside made my mouth water.

She made a soft, breathy moan in the back of her throat and shifted onto her back. Perfect.

I edged out of the bed and down the stairs, slipping on my water shoes and then quietly opening the door. I headed into the lobby. The water on the floor of the hotel had receded, leaving muddy trails on the tiles. Rescue would be here soon, I guess. Me and kimberley had probably been lost in the shuffle for a day or two, but it wouldn't be much longer. Someone would notice a missing millionaire, if not a missing waitress.

I made my way into the store, after drinking a bottle of water and eating a candy bar, I returned to the stairwell. Kimberley was still asleep, so i abandoned my shoes at the base of the stairs, and slid back into bed with her.

She was soft and warm against my side, giving a little absent sound of pleasure when I returned as if she'd missed me. I liked that.

Deciding kimberley had slept long enough I had the perfect way to wake her. I leaned in and kissed her neck and then her shoulder. They were light, trailing nibbles that teased the skin. A soft giggle escaped Kimberley's throat, the sound still too sleepy for my liking. Kissing along her arm, I reached over her and cupped her breast, thumbing over the tip and with a touch causing the peak to harden.

The sound kimberley made in response was a low moan.

I felt myself getting wet and I rubbed against her limbs when she shifted in the bed. I skimmed my thumb over the hard nub of her breast again, rolling it back and forth as i continued to kiss Kimberley's neck.

The woman was definitely a heavy sleeper, I thought with amusement. I nipped lightly at her shoulder, and when she rolled onto her back, I leaned down to take the stiff tip of her breast into my mouth.

Kimberley moaned again, and her hands went to my hair, digging into my scalp. "Mmm, Cheryl."

God i loved the sound of my name in her breathless moans, I flicked her nipple with my tongue. "I was wondering what it'd take to wake you up." I said.

"That's a good way," she said dreamily. Her fingers played with my hair.

"It's a shame you woke up before I had to resort to more insistent tactics."

"Oh?" She slid a hand down my stomach and played her fingers over my pussy. I moaned in response to the light touch. "What did you have in mind?"

"Burying my face between your legs and licking your pussy until you came."

The breath shuddered from Kimberley's lungs.

I nipped at her breast again. Too quiet. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I should have slept a bit longer," she said, and then laughed at herself. "I miss all the good stuff."

I kissed down her belly, licking at her belly button. "I can be persuaded." I teased.

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