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Authors Notes
This is the last Stranded with you update I wanted thank you all so much for reading it I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The dresses above are what the girls are wearing the front view is Cheryl's the back/side view is Kimberley's. enjoy!

Cheryl watched as Kimberley walked proudly down the aisle, and she couldn't stop her lip from quivering as she watched the woman she loved. Kimberley looked breathtaking. When the time came for the to exchang their vows. They sat outside in the garden, under the shade of the orchard trees, in rows of chairs arranged on either side of a makeshift aisle strewn with rose petals. Cheryl went first. "I promise to share my life with you as both a lover and a friend. I vow to nurture and support your dreams and help you to achieve your goals. I promise to cherish and love you, through anything that comes our way, and to grow with you as we build our family and share our lives." She slipped the ring onto kimberley's finger, eyes shining with emotion. "I love you, kimberley and I'm so grateful that you agreed to be my wife." Kimberley stared at cheryl, her eyes filled with emotion,she took a deep breath before saying, "I promise to share life's challenges and joys at your side. I promise to be your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, and your companion in adventure. I promise to be your greatest fan and your toughest critic and to love you each and every day that we're blessed to spend together. I promise to hold your hand every night and to never let us lose our spark." She slid the ring onto cheryl's finger, "I love you Cheryl and I'm thrilled that you are going to be my wife for now and forever."


The wedding party was in full swing, cheryl grasped her wife's hand and helped her onto the stage grabbing two mics she handed one to kimberley before tapping her own. "If i could have everyone's attention," the room quietened down, leaving a few mumurs before going completley silent. "my wife and i would like to thank you all for coming, spending the day with everyone just made it even more extra special." Cheryl looked at kimberley before kissing her lips. Kimberley continued "as some of you may know me and cheryl have had many ups and downs when it comes to our relationship. She looked at cheryl smiling before she continued "but, this woman means the world to me and i thank my lucky stars that she never gave up on us. Because not only have i married the woman i love, i married my best friend. My rock, and my soul mate." Cheryl's eyes filled with tears at her wife's words. She lifted her own mic to her lips taking a deep breath, she spoke " i promise to always love you kimberley. Forever." Their lips met as cheers and wolf whistles came from the crowd.

"Alright alright enough of the soppy stuff let's party"


Kimberley's POV

The night was still young, but i felt myself growing tired and continuously yawning, i knew me and cheryl would have to leave soon but i wasn't ready to leave yet. Staring at my wife on the dance floor i smiled she was dancing along with some of our guests, the music died down and the djs voice came through the speakers "ladies and gentlemen if I could have everyone's attention for just a moment, i think its time for cheryl and kimberley to have their first dance as a married couple before they leave us to jet off on their honeymoon" i stood up making my way to cheryl, the smile on my face hadn't disappeared all day, not even for a second. Meeting cheryl in the middle of the dance floor i grasped her waist as the song started.

"What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright"

I stared at cheryl, my eyes meeting hers as we moved around the dance floor, she was smiling at me her eyes refusing to leave mine."i love you" i said to cheryl, i didn't think she could hear me over the music, but she must of she replied not even a second later. "i love you kimberley, you're my forever" cheryl replied. those words so simple, yet so full of meaning and love. I felt the tears forming in my eyes as i drew her lips to my own.

"Cause all of me Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning"

Before i knew the song had came to an end, i grasped cheryl's hand as we left dance floor, "time to go beautiful,you ready?" Cheryl asked grasping my hand tighter, "as ready as ill ever be." I smiled. After saying goodbye to our guests we were ready to go. Exiting the building, me and cheryl made our way to the car cheryl had bought for our wedding  it was a black suv, and climbed inside, after waving goodbye to our guests for a second time we drove off into the night.

ready to face the world.



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