Chapter nineteen

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Okay so I made this update a little longer like you guys asked, however if you still want it longer just let me know. Warning!! This contains sex scenes that may offend some readers, if you're likely to get offended please don't read. This is dedicated to kayli!!!! ❤️ Enjoy!

Authors PoV
The next night, Cheryl took Kimberley out to a popular Broadway show, and Kimberley had an amazing time. She didn't even raise an eyebrow when cheryl produced box seats instead of ones in the nosebleed section. Afterward, they went out for drinks and spent the evening talking and laughing together. Kimberley told cheryl about her childhood, and cheryl told kimberley about her adventures at boarding school. When they parted that night, cheryl had simply given her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

The next night, cheryl took Kimberley ice skating, determined to show her a good time even if it meant hitting every tourist hot spot that New York had to offer. Kimberley didn't care, though. She loved the fun she had being out with Cheryl, seeing all the famous places around town. Holding hands with her as they skated around on the ice. Kimberley laughed the entire time, and even Cheryl couldn't wipe the smile she had on her face.

Of course, that night, Cheryl gave Kimberley just a caress on the cheek and a quick peck before leaving her, her pulse throbbing with unfulfilled desire.

Kimberley knew Cheryl was doing it on purpose, of course. If Kimberley wanted to have a few dates just as a normal couple, they'd take it slow. Extremely slow. That had been her plan, after all. A week or two of just dating.

Unfortunately for Kimberley, the plan was backfiring in a major way. By the time they went on a walk through Central Park two days later, every touch of Cheryl's sent a ripple of desire through her body. Her nipples were hard enough just by Cheryl's nearness that she wore several layers of clothing to cover it up. And when cheryl leaned in to nuzzle the nape of Kimberley's neck in a quietly affectionate move, Kimberley's knees went weak, and she became instantly wet.

This was not exactly how kimberley had planned for the week to go. She said nothing, of course, though she might have rubbed up against Cheryl's  thigh a bit more than she should have in the carriage ride around the park. Kimberley's skin was heated and flushed with need, but cheryl only gave her a light kiss on the lips.

If this is how she thinks normal people date, kimberley thought wryly, she is going to be very surprised when I jump her bones in the next date or two. Kimberley had wanted to move slow with Cheryl to prove that the real spark was there between them.

Kimberley couldn't complain, though. Cheryl's schedule kept her busy in the daytime, though she'd send Kimberley occasional text messages throughout the day to let her know what their plans were for that evening, or simply to tell her she was thinking about her. When kimberley told Cheryl she was looking forward to their date, she'd sent back a quote that made Kimberley's heart flutter with delight.

". . . and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of themselves, whether they be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment . . ."

Kimberley had been giddy over that single text. She hadn't even corrected cheryl considering that was a quote from a satire of love. It was meant from the heart from Cheryl, and that was all that counted.

Meanwhile Gretchen, who was still on deadline and crankier than ever, complained that Kimberley was too easily swayed. And maybe it was true.

But Kimberley knew it was love. At least, it was on her end. Love and desire and need and want all mixed into one giant bundle of nerves. And while she knew it was love, she also knew one other thing for certain.

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