Chapter eighteen

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Authors notes
I just want to start off by saying thank you for the 11.1k views it means so much and I love that you guys are enjoying it as much as me.

"I need to date, Cheryl," kimberley said firmly. "No fancy parties, no buying of restaurants. No hurricanes. You and me, on a few regular dates like normal people. We can see if we're truly compatible or if we're just caught up in the madness of it all."

Kimberley knew that she was still head over heels in love with cheryl, but dating meant that she'd have cheryl all to herself and that they'd be on familiar territory. She wasn't at home at fancy society parties. But at a pizza place or a movie? Kimberley could relax and just be herself.

There was a challenging gleam in Cheryl's eyes that made Kimberley's pulse flutter with excitement. "If you want me to win you over with romantic dates, Kimberley. I will."

"Great," kimberley said enthusiastically, and when cheryl leaned in to kiss her, she ducked away again. "Call me sometime."

"Let's go out. Tonight."

"Can't tonight," kimberley said lightly. "I'm working. Call me." She stressed the last two words and turned to the door, then glanced over her shoulder at her. "I'm serious, Cheryl. I want to date like normal people. Not like a billionaire and the waitress she just bought."

Kimberley could practically hear Cheryl's teeth grinding. "You know it's not like that, Kimberley."

Then prove it, Kimberley thought. But she gave Cheryl a smile and opened the office door. "Then call me sometime."

Kimberley forced herself to walk calmly through the store room and back out to the main café. With calm hands, she lifted the bar, stepped in behind it, and then let it slide shut behind her again, taking her place next to the others behind the counter.

She immediately approached the line of customers, smiled at Gretchen, and then took over manning the register. A few moments later, her heart flipped in her chest as she watched Cheryl walk past the bar and leave the café.

Had she given up on her? So quickly?

Confused, Kimberley concentrated on the complicated order a very patient woman was trying to place. Kimberley had to ask her to repeat it twice, because her head wasn't in the right place. Had she messed things up with Cheryl? Had she decided kimberley wasn't worth the effort?

"Seventeen ninety-one," Kimberley told the woman as she completed her order. Just then the phone in her pocket began to vibrate. Kimberley jumped and pulled it out with shaking fingers and turned away from the cash register.

Cheryl tweedy, the screen read, and her heart thumped wildly in her chest. "H-hello?" Kimberley answered.

"I'm calling you," Cheryl said in a gruff voice. "Go out with me."

That wild, nervous giggle escaped, and Kimberley clapped a hand over her mouth in embarrassment. When she recovered, she cleared her throat. "Where would you like to go?"

"Dinner. Tonight. Someplace casual."

"I told you. I'm working tonight," kimberley said calmly, though she couldn't stop grinning.

Cheryl made a frustrated sound that was nearly swallowed up by the sounds of traffic. She must have still been out on the street. "Tomorrow night, then."

"Tomorrow night is good," Kimberley said, smiling. "Where should we meet?"


As kimberley prepared for her first date with the woman she was in love with, She was thankful that Melissa had dragged her out and made her go clothes shopping. Her own funds were still a little lean, and although working at the coffee shop was a good way to pass time, living in New York was expensive and she found she was constantly a bit strapped for cash. A date outfit would have been out of the question.

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