Chapter fifteen

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This chapter is dedicated to chimheartt she's an incredible writer so go check out her stories if you haven't already I promise you won't regret it! Enjoy 😊

Authors POV
Kimberley had been sad and withdrawn for the past two days, and Cheryl didn't know what to do about. She'd told cheryl she loved her, and cheryl gave her a hug. Cheryl wasn't the kind to declare her love, though. Not before a prenup was signed and she could be sure of Kimberley's feelings. She'd traveled down that road once before, and she wasn't going to be taken again.

Cheryl wouldn't make that mistake again. So she had said nothing when Kimberley had confessed her feelings, even though she'd felt a surge of satisfaction at Kimberley's admission. She loved her. Her beautiful, sweet Kimberley loved her.

Kimberley had common sense-it was one of the charming things about her-but cheryl didn't know what to do with her sadness. Common sense told her to ignore it. But Kimberley's sadness bothered her. It bothered cheryl even more that she was trying to hide it. Hence, her foul mood.

Cheryl looked out at the night sky. She thought of Kimberley's sweet smile. The curve of her lips when she leaned in to kiss her. Her fury when she'd found out that cheryl owned the resort.

But how did she know it wasn't simply a masterful act? Lauren had had her fooled, after all, and she wasn't half as clever as Kimberley. "I need to know for sure," Cheryl thought to herself.

"Then test her," she heard her friend Nicola say. It was then that Cheryl realised she had said the words out loud "It's the only way to be sure."


This was how cheryl would see if Kimberley was after her or her money. She would give kimberley something valuable out of the blue, something that would be important to her, and watch her reaction.

If she was pleased with Cheryl's gift, or demanded more, she'd know that Kimberley wanted it more than her. If she refused her gift, Cheryl could feel more confident in how Kimberley felt about her. Kimberley had been upset when she'd found out cheryl was rich . . . but she'd also been quick to cave in to her demands to go to New York. And every time Cheryl told herself that Kimberley wasn't like that, she saw Lauren's face again. Lauren, who'd had her totally fooled.

And maybe, just maybe, if Kimberley passed this test, cheryl would feel comfortable telling her how she felt about her, too.

Cheryl entered the apartment, pleased to find Kimberley curled up on one of the couches, an open book spread across her chest as she napped.

She was beautiful. Her hair was tousled around her face, her face free of make up, her lips slightly parted in sleep. She wore her favorite T-shirt and jeans: Melissa had complained to her that she couldn't persuade Kimberley to part with them, no matter what lovely clothes she was bought. Cheryl liked seeing Kimberley in jeans, she had to admit. Her ass filled them out nicely, and the T-shirt showed off the rounded swells of her chest to perfection. She pulled the book off Kimberley's chest, and her eyes opened slowly.

Kimberley blinked and focused on Cheryl, then smiled, her expression sleepy. "You're home early, aren't you?"

"I am. I canceled the rest of my meetings." Cheryl didn't tell her that it was because she'd been unable to concentrate on anything but her that day. They'd made love fiercely the night before, but when she'd come, she'd been utterly silent. She didn't whisper words of love anymore when they had sex.

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