Chapter thirteen

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The next morning, Kimberley woke up to see Cheryl off for the day. Cheryl kissed kimberley at the door for several minutes, then sighed. "I have meetings all day, but I'll be back in time to pick you up tonight."

"Gotcha. Is there a bookstore nearby I can hit up once I find some pants?"

Cheryl chuckled. "You have all of New York at your disposal, and you want a bookstore?"

"Pretty much." She wrapped her arms around cheryl's neck. "But it comes second to pants."

Cheryl leaned in and kissed her again. "Tell you what. I'll send my assistant over in about an hour with some clothes for you. She can escort you around town."

She wasn't sure that she needed a chaperone, but it might be wise until she got her feet under her. "All right." Kimberley wrapped her leg around Cheryl's and clung to her in a way that left nothing to the imagination. "You're going to think about me today, right?"

Cheryl groaned, her hands moving to cup Kimberley's naked backside under her shirt. "I couldn't stop if I tried."

"A wise man once said, 'We strive after the forbidden.'"

"More Plato?"

Kimberley rolled her eyes. "Everyone's Plato to you. That was Ovid."

"If you find a bookstore, buy me some Plato. I hear he's interesting." Cheryl leaned in and kissed her one more time, then reluctantly pulled away. "I'll call when I'm on my way home."

That felt . . . domestic. But Kimberley nodded, a hint of a smile on her face as she closed the door behind Cheryl. They were clicking so well it was almost scary. Scary, but enjoyable. Was it too good to be true? She supposed she'd see when she met Cheryl's friends.

Just the thought of it made her stomach knot up. She was a waitress. Cheryl was a billionaire. They were going to think she was after her money, when the truth was Cheryl's money just made her downright uncomfortable. Money was nice, but it wasn't the reason to have a relationship.

Of course, kimberley doubted anyone would believe her if she said that.

Kimberly took a quick shower and had just combed her hair into a damp ponytail when the doorbell rang. She bounded to the door, pulling on her dirty jeans. "Coming."

When she opened the door, a woman about her age stood on the other side holding a Saks Fifth Avenue bag. She was about the same height as Kimberley but her figure was radically different. Where Kimberley was curvy everywhere except her toned stomach, the woman in the doorway seemed to be lean and tall. Dressed in a brown suit and tight bun. Her makeup was minimal, her skin pale, and she wore a pair of oversized sunglasses that she removed as Kimberley opened the door.

She gave Kimberley a friendly, efficient smile and stepped inside. "You must be Kimberley Walsh." She held out her hand. "My name is Melissa Parkinson, and I'm Cheryl's assistant. She asked me to come by and see if I could help out today."

Kimberley shook her hand enthusiastically. "Hi there. Yes. I'm Cheryl's girlfriend."

The look on Audrey's face remained professional. Her smile could have been painted on. "Well, Cheryl told me to come by with some clothes so you could go shopping today. It seems she didn't give you time to pack?"

"That's right." Kimberley crossed her arms over her chest, feeling a little awkward. "Sorry to be such trouble."

Melissa moved past her and began to unpack the contents of the bag she'd brought. "Does Cheryl often make you run strange errands?"

"I don't know if they're strange," Melissa said. "But she does sometimes ask me to run favors for her. It's my job as her assistant, of course.

"Now, Cheryl told me that she had no idea what your size was, so I bought a sweater and some pants in every size. We can just return the ones that don't fit. I also brought some panties and bras in some common sizes. If you don't have shoes, I can go back out and get some."

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