Chapter eight

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I feel like i never tell you guys enough how much i appreciate you all reading my story. Thank you it means so much that you enjoy it. Please comment and vote any feedback is appreciated.

Authors POV

Cheryl felt herself being shaken out of her dreams by Kimberley's voice. "Cheryl. Cheryl wake up what's that noise." Cheryl focused, and then her eyes narrowed. A grin spread across her face. "Helicopter."

"Rescue?" Kimberley stood, wobbly and leaning against cheryl, her body still humming with need. Lousy timing, that rescue.

Cheryl leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. "Come on. Let's get our stuff and see who's here."


Their stairwell went all the way to the roof, and even though cheryl was pretty sure some of the steps were creaking more than they should, they managed to make it to the top. Once up there, Kimberley could see several things at once.

There was a helipad on the roof of the resort. That was handy. There was a helicopter coming in for a landing, too, close enough that her sundress was whipping around her legs and her tangled mess of hair was turning into a tumbleweed around her face.

She could see for miles around up here, too, and she gasped at the sight of the island. There were cars washed off the road in the distance, in ditches. Trees were uprooted everywhere. Boats were overturned in the water. On the far side of the hotel's roof, it looked like the hotel had crumbled away. The east wing hadn't survived so well as where they'd been staying. She was thankful their elevator hadn't been there.

"Come on," Cheryl shouted over the deafening chop chop chop of the helicopter. Cheryl put an arm around her shoulders possessively, and kimberley put her hands to her sides to keep her dress from flying up. Cheryl leaned over and yelled something at her that sounded like, "I think I recognize that chopper."

They ran forward, and to Kimberley's surprise, a man jumped out of the helicopter and ran across the helipad to meet them. He was wearing mirrored sunglasses and a khaki shirt and shorts, and laughing as if this were the funniest thing he'd ever seen. He raised a friendly hand in greeting, and Kimberley was surprised when Cheryl gave it a high five, and then brought the man in for a hug.

That was rather . . . friendly.

The man in the sunglasses gave her a rather knowing up-and-down look and then turned back to Cheryl. "I should have guessed," he shouted over the helicopter's blades. "You looked entirely too happy for a woman who's been stranded for a few days, but I guess the company was good, right?"

"This is Kimberley," Cheryl told him. "She was stuck in the same elevator I was."

"You picked a good elevator to get stuck in," the man agreed and then thrust his hand toward Kimberley. "Nice to meet you."

Kimberley shook his hand, noticing that it was very big and sturdy. The newcomer looked wild and just a bit dangerous. Handsome, she supposed, it was odd that cheryl would be such good buddies with the resort's pilot. Maybe the manager of a resort had to fly around in a helicopter a lot? She had no idea what her job entailed.

"We're so glad to see you," she told the newcomer as they moved toward the helicopter. "I guess I picked the right hotel to be stranded at if it's the one with the private helicopter."

They got into the helicopter, and cheryl buckled her in. The seats were plush leather and incredibly nice. Not what she'd expected from a rescue copter. It seemed almost luxurious. Someone handed her a headset with a microphone, and she put it on. Thank goodness, no more shouting at each other. The thwack thwack thwack of the helicopter blades was so strong it vibrated in her belly, but at least it wasn't making her eardrums want to burst anymore.

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