Chapter twelve

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Okay I should probably tell you all that this chapter contains sexual relations that some readers may find offensive. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it!

Authors POV

Warm lips brushed her cheek. "We're here."

Kimberley stirred, embarrassed that she'd fallen asleep in the car. "We are?"

"Yes. We have just enough time to get you situated upstairs, and then I have to head off to my meeting."

Yawning, Kimberley blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to wake up as she followed cheryl out of the car. She stood on a wide sidewalk, the street lined with cars up and down both sides. All around her were tall, elegant buildings.

Cheryl leaned over the car and spoke into the window. "Wait here. I won't be long." Turning back to her, Cheryl took her by the hand and began to guide her toward the building with the doorman. "I'll show you my place, and you can get comfortable."

"Do you have to go?" Kimberley asked, glancing uncomfortably at the doorman as he opened the door for them.

Cheryl thanked the doorman and headed into the lobby, then toward the elevator. "It's a meeting I've rescheduled twice already. I can't reschedule it again." When the elevator dinged, they stepped on, and Cheryl pushed the button for the forty-fourth floor. "When I get back, we can go out to dinner."

Kimberley nodded, stepping closer to cheryl when the elevator doors opened again and an older woman in a red suit carrying an enormous designer handbag stepped onto the elevator. She smiled at Cheryl , though her gaze frosted over at the sight of Kimberley in jeans and a slobby T-shirt.

Kimberley crossed her arms over her chest. Well, now she felt awkward. She smoothed a hand over her sleep-rumpled hair.

The woman got off the elevator ten floors later, and Cheryl gave her a curious look. "Uncomfortable?"

"Nah," she lied, drawing the syllable out. "Just thinking that everyone in this building pays more in rent per month than what I make all year. What would make a girl nervous?"

"Don't worry about what other people think," cheryl told her, a hint of a smile on her lips. "You're gorgeous just as you are."

"Easy for you to say."

"It is, yes."

How was it that cheryl managed to defuse her anxiety so easily? Kimberley shook her head, unable to stop smiling. "It's just going to take a bit of getting used to for me."

The doors opened on the fourty-fourth floor, and they stepped out. Kimberley glanced down the hall, surprised to see only one set of doors. "Is this your apartment?"

"It's the only one on this floor." Cheryl moved forward and slid an electronic key out of her bag, pushing it into the lock.

"You have an entire floor? For one person?"

Cheryl chuckled. "Would you prefer I had a studio?"

"Studios are cozy," she pointed out, uncomfortable. Why did one person need an entire floor?

"I prefer more living space. A studio doesn't exactly set the right image for a billionaire." The door opened with a click, and she gestured for kimberley to enter.

She did, a bit stunned at her surroundings. She knew Cheryl had money. Lots and lots of money. But it was hard to visualize that. Even the jet, as ridiculous as it had been, hadn't really made things sink in for her. Walking into Cheryl's apartment, though, she realized just how much of a strange world she was entering. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before.

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