[ ✯ FOUR ✯ ]

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Kazutora had already left the scene soon after giving his name out, now limping inside of an empty alleyway. Leaning up against a brick wall, he roughly slid down onto the concrete floor, panting heavily as he mentally assessed what he had just done. He had beaten up a gang of already-fighting delinquents just to get his name out into the world— an introduction, if you will. Even if he had won, he still, nevertheless, gained some rather painful injuries from the experience.

He winced as he landed on a bruised portion of his leg, doing his best not to put too much pressure on himself as he rested. How was he supposed to go home like this? How would his mother react? Should he go to the hospital to get treated and to check on his might-be-broken nose, or suck it up and deal with it? He could already tell that it was close to evening, the afternoon sun lowering in the sky. But he didn't know what to do right now.

He didn't know anything, to be honest. Y/N didn't know why they were here—why they were in this world in the first place. They didn't want to be here, but they also knew that no matter how much they complained, it would still be set in stone that they were here and Y/N would just have to deal with it.

The adrenaline had worn out some time ago, so now Kazutora could feel nothing but the throbbing pain of his body. Bruises littered his skin, blood, and fluid leaking out in some bits. His mouth was bloody from his upper busted lip, and that didn't even include the amount of blood that was dripping out from his nose. The skin on his knuckles were cracked and torn, bruises having already formed.

Y/N could already conclude that this body wasn't used to major beatdowns from others and going through a full swing of his own fists. Kazutora had been in juvie for years under careful watch, so experiencing any real fighting outside of being a pest wasn't likely to happen. Y/N would have to build up his stamina and endurance, already trusting his own strength to a comfortable extent. That would mean more fights and violent encounters, leading to even more injuries and enemies along the way.

But another, more sudden thought had come to mind. What if he forced others to be loyal to him? It wasn't something most people would consider, but it was certainly something that Hanemiya Kazutora had done. Remembering the manga and looking back at how Kazutora's underlings had treated him when he had first met Takemichi is what brought this idea to Y/N. How it was mentioned that Kazutora had broken his most "trusted" people's legs the day before, only for those said people to not care and to continue defending Kazutora's honor when speaking about him.

Kazutora coughed into his elbow, furrowing his brows at the dry feeling of his throat. He was exhausted and dehydrated, probably in desperate need of water. He leaned his back against the brick wall once he fully sat down, his left arm holding him up despite its injuries.

It was amusing to a slight extent, how not too long ago today he was hanging out with Tachibana Hinata and having the time of his life, only to push himself into a random gang's business and start a fight. Suffering the physical consequences was his only option to do now, right? Hinata had already gone home, and he didn't really want to intrude and give her a scare from nothing but his beaten-up appearance. But he had won that fight and knowing that is satisfactory enough.

Y/N had ideas of what to do, but the process of getting there would need a lot of mental preparation. Kazutora was an emotional person that did heartless, torturous things to the people that worked for him. Replicating that would only strain Y/N, but there wasn't any other way around it. Y/N didn't even know what the qualifications were for Kisaki Tetta to seek him out, which would lead to Hanma Shuji recruiting him. So mimicking how Kazutora acted was the only thing Y/N could do or think of doing that wouldn't completely ruin the plot in some way.

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