[ ✯ TWENTY ✯ ]

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if this chapter is confusing, i am so sorry. 😭,, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

The moon was high above the sky, however blocked by the numerous clouds that were present. From the looks of it, Hanma Shuji could only presume that it was going to be raining soon, although he didn't know when exactly. It was night, somewhere between 9 and 11 pm, and Shuji was currently on his way to pick up a certain mole-faced boy that Shuij knows and adores.

A cigarette was clasped between his fingers, taking in the addictive nicotine between his lips before breathing out a puff of smoke. He wanted to hurry up and finish his cigarette before arriving at the Hanemiya boy's house, not really wanting it to get in the way of any conversation that the two might have. Once he was done with it, he dropped it onto the concrete sidewalk before stomping on it with his foot, putting out the flames before continuing his walk.

If Shuji was being honest with himself, he was pretty excited about seeing Kazutora again. In Shuji's eyes, he had successfully managed to cheer Kazutora up during their morning through noon trip to Roppongi. Plus, Shuij had an amazing time with him, ten out of ten would hang out with him again.

Shuji was still in the process of figuring out how he felt for the black-haired boy, but what he did know was that he felt no negative thoughts about him. Sure, he was annoyed by the fact that Kazutora had originally doubted Shuji's genuineness of wanting to be friends with him, but this was a process to gain his trust, right? Things like that took time, and although Shuji is an impatient man, that didn't mean that he didn't understand at least some basic concepts in the emotional field that he was, once again, completely inexperienced with.

Sheepishly smiling, Shuji had now arrived at the Hanemiya family's residence, sneaking around the corner of their house in order to reach the bedroom window that belonged to none other than Kazutora. Quickly peeking inside, Shuji discovered that it was completely dark, with no visible sign of the Hanemiya boy being awake at all. Maybe he's laying down in bed? It was a reasonable answer to Shuji's query, but after quickly trying to open the window, Shuji's brows furrowed at the realization that it was locked. Stepping back, Shuji frowned. Did he lie to me? It was the only thought that coursed through his mind, finding no other explanation that could clarify the situation.

Shuji sure as hell wasn't happy with this thought, so he instead chose to brush it away, thinking that maybe Kazutora had just forgotten to unlock the window. Yeah, maybe if I just knock... knocking on the window, Shuji listens for any movement, and after waiting for a few long minutes, Shuji feels frustrated that he couldn't hear anything. Hurt, even. He had come all this way just to see Kazutora, only to find out that he was either not there or just not responding to him? Maybe Shuji shouldn't jump to conclusions too soon, so, with one final ray of hope, Shuji turned to leave, heading straight towards The Headless Angels' abandoned arcade, hoping to find him there.

But he wasn't. Kazutora wasn't at Valhalla's base even though he said that he would attend the meeting that night. Shuji balled up his fists as he clenched his teeth, doing his best to ignore the chatting of his fellow Valhalla members. He wasn't happy about this at all. Disappointed and upset, but what's he supposed to do about it? Nothing, for now. At least until he runs into him again.

I can't believe he lied to me, thought Shuji, but what was I expecting?


It was now morning.

Kazutora was still asleep, exhaustion taking its toll the day before after he was treated for his concussion. He had forced himself to stay awake until the doctors gave him the okay, and honestly, his body really needed sleep— needed time to close his eyes so that his brain could naturally replenish its system. He was put back on his medications that Y/N had attempted to avoid taking, along with extra pills to help his concussion. Luckily, it wasn't severe enough to lead to permanent damage, but it wasn't in any way minor.

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