[ ✯ TWELVE ✯ ]

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"So, what am I being grounded from?" Kazutotra inquired, leaning up against the car door as his mother drove him home. He was staring out the window, an unreadable expression plastered on his face.

It took a few long seconds before she replied, still uncertain herself but nevertheless answered, "You'll be on house arrest for a few weeks— not legally, you're just grounded. The only time you are allowed to leave the house is when you are heading to school; once school is over, you will immediately head back home."

Kazutora let out a 'tch,' but nonetheless accepted his fate. "Fine." It made sense, but that didn't mean that Y/N was actually going to listen to her.

His mother sighed, saying nothing afterward. She hated how her son always got in trouble, feeling disappointed in him as a parent. Him coming home hurt was becoming far too frequent, each day a seemingly new injury appeared on his body. Ms.Hanemiya was glad that her son got to spend some time in the hospital because it gave him enough time to think about his actions and what he wants to do from there. She just only hoped that whatever Kazutora was thinking about during his time alone, he wouldn't decide to do anything stupid.

They arrived home within a few minutes of driving, stepping out of the car before locking it. Kazutora's arm was encased with a cast, securely keeping it in place so that it can heal without any issues. The sun was setting, and Kazutora's mother was wearing her work clothes, indicating that she picked him up right after work. The air felt cold, as the young boy wasn't wearing any jacket. The two then walked inside, double-checking to make sure that the door was locked behind them. Steadily, the mother helped her son take off his shoes before placing them in the appropriate place before taking off of her own; Kazutora walked into his room, keeping the door closed as his mother then went off into her own.

It was quiet, both beings in the house feeling tired and stressed from whatever was on their mind. Both were feeling worried and paranoid for the future, although for closely different reasons; same context, different points of view. After a quick change of clothes, Kazutora's mother went off to sleep whilst Kazutora stayed in his room awake, thoughts buzzing in his mind. Y/N could only think about the possibilities of the future, feeling unsure about what was to come.

Kazutora laid down, setting himself up in a comfortable position that adapted to that of his cast, not wanting to disturb his radius bone any further. The room was dimly lit, only his lamp was turned on. Y/N didn't want to think about anything right at that moment, desiring to simply give their brain a break from the constant paranoias that went on in their head. So they closed their eyes, burying themself underneath their covers as they rested their head on their plushly soft pillow.

It felt nice. Peaceful, even.

Until it wasn't.

Kazutora's left eye twitched, hearing the sound of... knocking? Strangely enough, it wasn't coming from his bedroom door. Opening his eyes, Kazutora's golden-brown hues peered around, confusion engulfing his expression. Sitting up, he tried to listen to where the knocking was coming from, only to realize that it was coming from his bedroom window, which was right above his bed. Gulping down a hard swallow, Kazutora nervously went up to check what it was, hoping to themself that it was nothing more than an annoying bird or a weird tree branch.

Moving the colored curtains to the side, Kazutora's pair of eyes met another, his body tensing at the sight. He nearly screamed from shock, Y/N forcing themself to stop the noise that threatened to escape his throat by clasping a hand over his mouth. Right outside was none other than Hanma Shuji, a wide smile stretching across his lips once said man realized that Kazutora finally heard him. Why the fuck is this lunatic outside my window? Thought Y/N, feeling reasonably confused by the situation. Kazutora frowned, Y/N calming themself from the initial reaction.

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