[ ✯ FOURTEEN ✯ ]

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The lights were turned on despite it being dark out, and Hanemiya Kazutora was sitting down at their desk, writing down various notes to keep track of. Y/N was an organized person by default, so organizing schedules and making a list of things to do was something that was considered to be important by them. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to keep track of their own thoughts and keep a concise goal that followed specific steps.

What even were their goals, anyway? That was something that L/N Y/N was currently trying to figure out, spending their late hours scribbling down random events that were noted in the manga along with their own ideas to contribute. Usually, the Hanemiya boy would be hanging out with Shuji around this time either strolling around targeting random people, or hanging out at Valhalla's headquarters— if you would even call that run-down arcade a headquarters to begin with— but instead, Y/N decide to stay in, deciding to himself that he'll skip today's hangout and opt for figuring out problems that they've been unintentionally avoiding.

To start off with, it was clear as day that Mondays were no longer available to him, as Kazutora had agreed with Mathew that he would train him on those days. So marking every monday in the calendar would be important, enough so that it would even give him an excuse to have a day without concerning himself with Valhalla, even if those meetings always occurred at night. Speaking of which, if Kazutora only went out at night, wouldn't that gain the attention of Toman? Seeing as Toman typically hangs out at late hours? There was also the Haitani brothers, which Y/N remembers in Ran's trivia that he prioritizes his own beauty sleep and hates staying up.

Y/N, for now, wanted to avoid direct confrontation with Toman, and they also wanted to get in contact with one of the Haitani's. Why the Haitani's, you might ask? It's simple, really. The Haitani's are brothers that can call a hoard of delinquents with one order, because even though they were known for hating the idea of joining or creating a gang, they sure did create a rather large fan base within their own real world— and not just in Y/N's world. Being close to people like them would be useful, especially due to their eventual involvement in Tenjiku, Bonten, and Kantou Manji.

Y/N wanted, at all costs, to avoid continuing their life in the delinquent world once Valhalla was over with— however, they weren't an idiot. Hypothetically, if they were to manage to rebuild a relationship with people like Baji Keisuke or on the very slim chance of regaining Sano Manjirou's trust, both parties would want the Hanemiya boy to hang out with them again. Well, Baji was the most likely candidate considering that Y/N wouldn't be surprised if Mikey were to hate Kazutora's guts for the rest of his life, even if Y/N avoids the death of Keisuke. Due to this, Y/N wanted to be sure that they wrote down back-up plan after back-up plan after back-up plan, just in case Kazutora gets dragged back into their shenanigans unwillingly.

It wasn't like Y/N actually cared about the characters in the plot, they just wanted to live a normal life that was stripped away from them.

At the moment, Y/N's only plan is to go with the flow throughout the Valhalla arc, thinking to themself that as long as they don't do anything stupid like hit Mikey's head with a metal pipe, stab Baji, or say stupid shit to Mikey after said hitting him with a pipe, then Y/N should be fine. They'll just have to handle the immediate drama afterward seeing as Kazutora has already done some unforgivable shit in the past that Y/N can't fully mend for him. It's not like they could bring the dead back to life, can they?

So they continued to think about the Haitani's, wondering to themself how exactly Kazutora was supposed to gain their approval. Right now, Y/N's main hope was for Ran, mainly due to the fact that Ran's wiki— from their memory— states that Ran only holds high respect for his young brother, Rindou, and Kakucho of all people. But there weren't any scenes of Ran and Kakucho majorly interacting with each other that explained the full scope of their relationship, so Y/N didn't know what Ran looked for in a person when it came to giving his trust. There was also the younger Haitani, Rindou, but the information on him was even more limited. Y/N only knew that he enjoyed showing off his ridiculously flexible gymnastics skills midway through a fight, which itself gained a few laughs from Y/N when they were reading the manga in their last life. But that's beside the point.

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