[ ✯ THIRTEEN ✯ ]

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"Oh my god, how on earth did you hurt your arm?!" Exclaimed Suzune, her neat hair tied up in a bun. She walked up to him before sitting down next to him, bento in hand. "I hope you're okay."

Kazutora gave a closed-eyed smile, "I got into a fight. But don't worry, I won." It was a sort of reassurance that also backed up Y/N's own pride, because even though it was the truth, it didn't really hurt to brag a tiny bit, right?

The two teenagers were currently eating alone for lunch; Hinata was eating with her boyfriend, and Nanami was spending extra time in the library to study. So that left Kazutora and Suzune to hang out together to spend one on one time. They were sitting on concrete steps a little bit away from the school building, Suzune on the one above him.

Suzune leaned forward to hug his uninjured side, embracing Kazutora out of worry. "Does that mean you really are a no-good delinquent, Kazu-kun?" She inquired, looking up at him.

Kazutora nervously laughed, opening his eyes to nod his head. "I never said I wasn't, did I?" Although Suzune was an overall really good person to talk to, Kazutora couldn't help but feel stiff whenever she showed her physical affections. But that was simply just the type of person that she was, even frequently hugging Nanami and Hinata whenever she got the chance. Due to that, Kazutora resisted the urge to push her away, feeling considerate of her own feelings. Maybe it was just her platonic love language that drove her to hug him, and Y/N would feel guilty if they were to put an end to it just because they weren't used to it. And besides, it was nice at times, because it showed that she cared.

Suzune pouted as she pulled away, returning to look back at her serving of rice, "Yeah but I was really hoping that you weren't. Hanagaki-kun is a delinquent, too, and I always have to listen to him and his friends try to intimidate others in the hallways and stuff. I mean, it just looks so ridiculous from an outside perspective, doesn't it?"

"Maybe, but there's generally a reason behind it," Y/N tried to explain, coming up with their own theories as to why middle-school boys continuously tried to intimidate each other, "because it's their pride on the line, 'ya know? Can't look like a pus..— a wimp, to another dude." Kazutora corrected, catching themself from saying the word pussy around an untroubled girl. Y/N didn't know what she was and wasn't okay with in terms of general language.

"Just say pussy, I'm not gonna pounce on you for it," Suzune snickered, catching on quickly with what Kazutora originally wanted to say, "just not around Hinata-chan and Nanami, 'cause I'm pretty sure they'd freak."

Kazutora shrugged, "Eh, if you say so."

They soon grew quiet, now paying attention to the food in front of them instead of chatting. Y/N recalled the previous week, remembering how Hanma Shuji practically stole him from his room every night to hang out with Valhalla; Kazutora's mother left undisturbed. It was a miracle that Ms.Hanemiya never found out, but Y/N supposed that they had Shuji's natural escapist skills to thank for. Hanging out with Shuji was a blast to Y/N, and they were sad to know that Shuji probably didn't care for them outside of Kazutora's usefulness for Kisaki Tetta. It was a thought that they wanted to simply brush away with ease, but that was not the case, as Y/N's mind always drifted back to the gleeful smile that always appeared on Shuji's face when they came around.

Y/N wanted Shuji just like how they managed to win over 'charmer' and 'snake,' as well as Hinata and her not-so-canon friends. Because Y/N was selfish, so fucking selfish that they continued to seek relationships with people even if they detested themself for it. But they had to wait, they had to wait until Kisaki-fucking-Tetta gets ran over and dies, only for Kazutora to swoop in and comfort Shuji from the tears that fell down his face in the ongoing future. It was thoughts like these that Y/N hated themself for, but they couldn't help it. These people meant the world to Y/N, even if they so begrudgingly felt that way.

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