[ ✯ TEN ✯ ]

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Students were crowding the front entrance of the school, chatting with their friends and exiting the premises. Quite a few students stayed behind to participate in their after-school activities, whether that be sports or some club meeting. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight as the black-blonde-haired boy breathed in the fresh air, letting it out as a sigh. Hanemiya Kazutora leaned up against the thick fence gate, waiting for Mathew Robins to appear. The noise of the ongoing people bothered his senses, feeling a headache brewing up.

There were a few curious eyes that glanced in his direction, mostly due to him being an unfamiliar face to more than half of the school's population. Rumors were already spreading about him, all of which Y/N was content with. As much as Y/N didn't like the idea of being a negative figure, they needed to be seen as such in order to get through Valhalla accordingly. However, these thoughts of theirs have been repeated dozens of times, and each time it became more of a reminder to themself rather than coming up with a 'new' conclusion. All Y/N needs to do is find ways to secure themself and Kazutora's future.

Students began to clear out, less and less being present on campus. Looking around, Kazutora's eyes narrowed at the realization that Mathew was nowhere around. He hasn't seen him all day, and he wasn't sure if he was just absent or if something bad actually happened to him. There was always the possibility that Mathew had simply lied to him about attending the same school, and there was always the possibility that Mathew had mistaken the name of his school for something else. However, there was an underlying feeling that something was wrong, and it made Kazutora feel very uneasy. Thinking back to the previous night, Mathew had mentioned that the group of boys that Kazutora had 'defended' him from were usual pests; from this thought alone, Kazutora clenched his fists, steadying his breathing before walking back inside of the school.

He was going to find Mathew Robins, no matter what. Maybe it was far too soon to make a decisive decision-- maybe he should stay by and wait a few more minutes— but Y/N couldn't stop themself from pushing forward, Kazutora's bodily muscles moving instinctively as he began to search around the school. At first, he searched the hallways and classrooms inside, thinking that maybe he was involved in some club to boost his school performance. Mathew seemed to be sort of nerdy, right? But Y/N couldn't find him anywhere, instead resorting to walking up to a couple of students who were chatting away in the hallway, presumably heading somewhere as they were both carrying a fat stack of papers in their arms.

"Hello, mind if I ask you both a question?" Kazutora said, plastering a friendly smile.

They both stopped in their tracks, realizing that he was talking to them. It was a boy and a girl, both adorning black hair and brown eyes. They shared scarily similar features, basically being the gender-bend of each other. Were they siblings? Twins, maybe?

"What's up?" Said the boy, readjusting the papers in his hands.

"I was just wondering if you knew where Mathew Robins is right now. I've been looking for him for a while." Kazutora said, glimmering with a worried look on his face.

The two gave each other a look, clearly sharing an 'I can read your mind' twin moment before looking back at him. This time, it was the girl that spoke. "What do you want with him, first?"

Kazutora hummed, understanding what they were getting at, "I'm a friend of his, and I'm just worried about his safety right now. Have been ever since I learned that he was a victim of pointless bullying." It was an honest explanation.

"Is what you're saying true?" The girl narrowed her eyes, staring him down as she observed his appearance. "Because to me, you look like another one of those dumb delinquents that have been bullying him."

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