[ ✯ SIX ✯ ]

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Starting from this chapter and then on, there will be details of manga spoilers. Please be up to date with the recent chapters to make sense of certain things that are implied, suggested, and directly mentioned.

It's been two hours since he and his mother had briefly argued, and the woman was nowhere in sight within the house. Y/N could only assume that she had left to distract herself, something that Y/N didn't necessarily mind. They wanted to apologize, but it seems as though they wouldn't be able to this time around. Returning to his room, Y/N dug through Kazutora's desk drawers in search of an empty notebook and pen. Finding them, they sat down and began writing. Y/N wrote down everything that they knew about the manga, the furthest leading up to when Kakucho had stopped the train that Sanzu had hurdled straight for the fighting gang members; the intent to kill being all there. Anything after that, Y/N did not know. Y/N came to this world at a time when the manga was incomplete, so anything beyond that chapter was completely unknown to them.

Writing the events of Tokyo Revengers is an obvious must, because otherwise how will they remember everything? As time goes on, Y/N's memories will begin to grow fuzzy, and that's only natural in occurrence. Memories fade over time, and the possibility of forgetting certain events is something that Y/N needs to avoid at all costs. Once they were done writing as much they he could, Y/N then began to wonder where they should put it. Placing it anywhere obvious where people could easily find it isn't particularly a good idea, so finding an area in his room where they can safely store it will be important.

Getting up from the chair, Y/N scanned the room with his eyes, taking in their options. Looking over at his open closet, Y/N saw that there was a shelf right above the clothing rack. There wasn't much up there aside from a few boxes, but it will have to do. Walking over, he used a stool to bring himself up to the appropriate height, placing the crammed notebook somewhere in the back. It should be safe for now, he thought.

Now what should I do? There wasn't really anything Kazutora could do. There weren't any game consoles in his room, and they didn't really feel like watching anything. Back outside it is. Y/N could only hope that they didn't run into any trouble, as today was simply not a good day for him. After arguing with Kazutora's mother, it has left Y/N in a sour mood, more so than they were originally. Having an argument with a parental figure, even if it wasn't your own, really does bother people. Nevertheless, Y/N felt that it was right to apologize, especially knowing that they really were in the wrong. It was just their big fat ego that blocked them from communicating properly in the first place, along with the fear of being seen as something that they didn't want to be seen as. Although Y/N plans on apologizing, they don't plan on admitting to their lie. They'll just apologize for arguing, and that will be it.

Putting on a quick change of clothes, Y/N decided to put in a little more effort into looking nice. The style Y/N chose was one that would fit their generation much more, so there were chances that Y/N would look slightly out of place when placed next to others. However, after looking at himself in the mirror a couple of times, Y/N couldn't find it in themself to really care— they liked their 2022 take on clothing. (It is a masculine or neutral outfit of your choice, do not imagine it to be too feminine (there are reasons for this))

Leaving the house, Kazutora put on his shoes and went off, not really having any specific direction in mind. Maybe it would be a good idea to figure out where that park Seishu mentioned before, along with the school that he will be attending starting this monday. To begin with, it might be best to head for the park, first— looking up at the street sign in his neighborhood, Kazutora took a mental note of it before wandering around, looking for each separate block's street signs and creating a mental map in their head. Y/N wondered if maps were available at the time, but they didn't know where to look for one if there was, so exploring the area was the option that they opted for.

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