[ ✯ EIGHT ✯ ]

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By now, the two boys had already left the Hanemiya's household, having their own stuff to do later that evening. What, Y/N does not know. Either way, it's none of their business and Y/N would honestly hope to avoid as much of Black Dragons' involvement as possible. Y/N only wanted to get through the Valhalla vs Toman arc, not desiring to be associated with any other gangs outside of the small friendship that he's developed with the two peas.

It was now night, and Kazutora's mother has now returned home. Y/N had decided to make dinner that late evening for when she came back, however, she had immediately gone to bed shortly after. I'll just save her food for tomorrow, Y/N thought, placing her portion of the dish inside the fridge. It wasn't an overly complicated meal, just something that Y/N brewed up randomly out of Kazutora's mother's cookbook. Kazutora had already eaten, so there wasn't much else to do other than get some shut-eye.

However, Kazutora didn't feel tired, and Y/N's active brain wasn't any help, either. They were still thinking about the relationships that they have made so far, looking back at the interactions shared between each character. For example, Y/N originally thought that Kazutora's mother wanted nothing to do with him, mostly due to her initial dismissive attitude towards him. But eventually, Y/N discovered that she was simply afraid of what would happen when he returned home. She possessed a lot of anxieties about the situation, just as any mother would— but she handled and coped with such feelings in unhealthy manners at times, such as drinking until she passed out. She cared about Kazutora, she just didn't know what to do with herself as a result.

As for Hinata, Seishu, and Kokonoi, Y/N really did not know what to make of them. Sure, they enjoyed their presence, as interacting with them was a great distraction from reality at large— but they were both heavily involved in the plot and were key factors in major events. Being associated with them had the possibility of dragging Kazutora into situations that Y/N would honestly prefer avoiding. Kazutora released a sigh, straightening his hair with his fingers. As long as I build clear boundaries with them, then there shouldn't be too much of a problem, right? Y/N considered, deep in thought about the current events. Either way, I can't sleep.

Kazutora left the kitchen, deciding to put on some shoes and slip over a jacket, leaving the house. Y/N was hoping to run into random gang members along their trip, thinking that Y/N needed to build a notorious reputation for Kazutora, even if it conflicted with their own morals to a large degree. Like Y/N told Seishu, Kazutora is an expert at getting dogs to follow him through psychological training and physical torture. Y/N just needed to replicate his actions and see how things go from there.

Wandering around the streets of Tokyo, Kazutora didn't just explore the district of Shibuya. Actually, Y/N didn't know where he was going, he was just going in random directions in hopes of finding something— anyone, really— well, as long as it wasn't toman's dogs. Y/N wasn't quite ready to confront their group, preferring to remain as canon as possible when it came to their approach. Speaking of which, Y/N has not yet considered how Baji Keisuke will meet Kazutora. How they ended up running into each other after so long, Y/N did not know. Although when they do meet, should Y/N just act insane and immediately blame all of Kazutora's problems on Mikey, or should Y/N choose to be upfront with their plan of going against Valhalla, while also changing their attitude towards Mikey when not in front of Hanma or any other Valhalla member?

Ah, such details will be handled another time. For now, Kazutora simply needed to become the next local pest to the nearby gangs.

Looking up in the sky, Kazutora's golden-brown eyes relished in the starry sky, the sight of each twinkling light bringing comfort to their soul. Unfortunately, light pollution was a thing, so he wouldn't be able to see the full extent of what the night sky looked like. However, he did not mind, choosing to appreciate what he could see right now. Kazutora's jacket was the only thing keeping him warm right now, the usually comfortable air lowering to a much colder temperature during the night. Y/N touched his hair, from his scalp to the ends of his roots. It wasn't as long as Y/N wanted it to be, since he had to cut it to get rid of Kazutora's previous hairstyle— but it was fine, because Y/N could just wait out the hair-growing process.

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