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Nearly as soon as they arrived at Kazutora's house, Keisuke left just as fast after sharing that hug that they had given to each other. Kazutora was now inside, mindlessly watching television whilst he awaited for his mother to return home, knowing that it shouldn't take long before she did. A bowl of fried calamari sat between his legs, comfortably sitting in a criss-cross position. He spent his time snacking on it, making up for his lack of lunch today with a small portion of dinner. Y/N would consider eating something of a larger quantity, but they wanted to wait and see whether or not Kazutora's mother wanted to do anything for dinner tonight, even if she always came home at late hours (right before 9pm).

Once dinner was figured out and his mom was asleep in bed, Y/N wanted to go out and wander the streets of Tokyo tonight. Not to meet up with Valhalla, but instead to just have some time to themself and really take their time in processing the mixed bags of feelings that they've felt these last couple of days. Giving themself a break from constantly being overwhelmed with emotions was exactly what Y/N needed, and they were going to get it by walking without a direction.

The sound of a door opening could be heard, pulling Kazutora's focus off of the TV and over towards the front entrance of the house, and there she was. The older Hanemiya woman was carrying a bag of unknown necessities, the gray coloration of the plastic bag making it hard to see what was inside. Nevertheless, Kazutora could at least see the white and green outline, now realizing that at least one of the objects was a bottle of allergy medicine. Probably for the change of seasons, Y/N concluded.

"Hey, mom. Welcome back." Kazutora greeted, giving his mother a light smile, which she did not return this time.

She tiredly walked inside, placing the bag on top of the coffee table before facing him. "I'm really tired today from work, so I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep. You've been home all day after school, haven't you? I hope you already made yourself something to eat."

"Mhm, I already ate. Just having some leftovers right now before I go to bed." Y/N didn't even want to mention that Kazutora was not, in fact, home until about ten to twenty minutes ago. Seriously, how did this woman expect Kazutora to stay home after being grounded if she's not even here to make sure that he was? Her work hours were awful, but at least it benefited Y/N's own schedule.

"Good to hear, son. Also, I called [insert phone company] this morning after you left for school and they said that they will have your flip phone ready by saturday. Just thought I'd let you know." His mother informed, yawning as she did so.

Hearing this, Y/N couldn't help but internally smile— externally, however, they remained as neutral-faced as possible to the sudden news. That would mean that Y/N wouldn't have to rely on Kokonoi and Seishu like they had originally planned. Not like they could have bothered to ask since they've pretty much ghosted him. It did hurt, though, especially considering that Y/N went out of their way to ask Shuji to go look for them when they were still confined to a hospital bed. It was a meet-up that Y/N desperately wanted, as they missed their two new friends, but they couldn't help but think that maybe they just decided to not stick around, to not give a damn and keep their distance. Maybe being friends with them just wasn't meant to be— and Y/N hated that. Hated that they were left in the dark, hated that they were being ghosted by people that didn't have a relationship with Kazutora in the canonical manga outside of Seishu's connection with the Black Dragons.

He wanted to frown at his intrusive thoughts, but kept his smile in the company of his mother in hopes of not worrying her. "Thank you, mom."

"Mhm. Just know that I'm only getting you a new phone because I want to be sure that I am able to keep contact with you. Don't break or lose it, or else I'm not going to replace it and you'll be stuck home forever." Forever was an obvious exaggeration, but she wanted to prove a point with this 'grounding' that she put him under.

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