[ ✯ FIFTEEN ✯ ]

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"Soo, what kind of movie do you want to watch? I'm not sure what's out right now." Kazutora inquired, his only available hand in the hold of Suzune's own hand. Again, he wasn't sure just how comfortable he was about the hand-holding but nevertheless tolerated it.

"Ohh, I usually like watching sci-fi-related or horror movies! Musicals are cool, too, like have you seen—" Suzune then went on and on, rambling about her favorite shows and movies that she's watched in the past.

Kazutora patiently listened to her as she spoke, not too particularly interested in the subjects that she was talking about, but nevertheless paid attention to her. It would be rude to ignore the girl that wants to hang out with you, right? So he added in his thoughts and opinions with whatever theory she went on about, smiling at how excited she was over some interest of hers.

The walk to the movies was relatively positive, and Kazutora felt relatively at peace. They were just two friends hanging out, and Y/N had already made sure to ask their other friends (intentionally in front of others) so no one had the wrong idea about their relationship, even if they rejected his proposal. Y/N wasn't an idiot, they could clearly see just how bubbly and attractive Suzune was, and how easily she had people wrapped around her finger; so going alone with her without offering other people to go with could potentially give her admirers the wrong impression.

Once they reached their destination, the duo mutually agreed on watching a thriller borderline horror genre movie, both of them teasing each other back and forth on whether or not the other will get scared or not. Suzune was rather confident in herself, as she has already watched loads of frightening movies, whilst Kazutora was still mentally preparing himself for the movie ahead of them.

They ordered drinks and popcorn, along with a candied stack if Y/N so chose, along with purchasing their tickets. Counting the change that Kazutora had left, Kazutora deadpanned at the realization that he was now completely broke— only having a few coins left as change. I should really start looking into getting a job, Y/N reminded themself, smiling as he walked into the theater room with Suzune. Why did I agree to go here again? But at least it will be fun, right?

"Where do you want to sit?" Suzune asked, holding her own purchased items that she got for herself.

Kazutora answered her question solely based on Y/N's own preference, which Suzune complied with, sitting down at Y/N's chosen spot. Suzune was glancing around the room before setting down her drink, her hazel-brown eyes scanning the room for other people.

"There aren't many people today," she commented, smiling as she looked over at her hangout partner, "so I guess we're technically by ourselves."

Kazutora nodded, observing her facial expressions, she smiles a lot, Y/N thought to themself, returning the smile as best as they could. "Yeah, guess so."

They then silently waited for the movie to begin, choosing to be respectful of the— although very few-a audience members around them. Kazutora was nervous-eating, devouring his popcorn within the first half of the movie. It wasn't even because of the movie— no, it was because Suzune kept leaning her shoulder towards him and it honestly, for real, made Y/N want to internally break down and stop all processing and emotions. At this point, Y/N wasn't sure if they liked Suzune and were only tolerating her because of it, or they possibly really did not like her and were panicking out of worry about what she might think of him. It was a confusing range of emotions, all of which Y/N wasn't exactly the most excited about feeling.

Sometimes I wonder why I am an extrovert when I could just choose to be a hermit and hide inside my house all day like a bear in hibernation. Fuck these people and fuck whatever I am feeling. Was Kazutora aggravated? Maybe, who knows, because he certainly did not.

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