Chapter 2 - It's Safer Here

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"Welcome, welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers." as the voice of Wallace Breen echoed throughout the whole station in their large screens, the Razor train came to a stop on one of the platforms near the three way gates, as Tinky Winky and Agumon jumped out from where they've been hiding and walked to the gates. Noticing a security camera, Agumon pepper breaths at it, just to make sure they don't get seen by anyone. "Come on!" he whispered to Tinky Winky, as they both quickly ran through the main plaza and into the main city. And all the while, citizens would notice them and appear to be puzzled, having never seen creatures like them before. "That's strange," said one, "have you ever seen anything like them?" "No, I haven't." replied another. Three Civil Protection officers had overheard what the citizens had been saying, then one of them pointed out to them and showed them two "wanted by The Announcer" posters of both Tinky Winky and Agumon, then once they agreed on what to do, they head out into the main city.

While City 17 isn't the busiest city ever, it was certainly the biggest place Tinky Winky had ever seen in his life, even if he, along with the other Teletubbies, never traveled far away from their home... like, at all. "Better keep a low profile around here." Agumon cautioned. "Why?" asked Tinky Winky, "I don't see anyone trying to stop us." But of course, there were city scanners around the place and unknown to them, as soon as they spotted them wandering around from a distance, Civil Protection officers start running towards them from behind. "Halt!" one called out, "Stop right there!" The two then stopped and turned to see three officers run up and stop in front of Tinky Winky and Agumon, confused, he stared at the them. "Eh oh?" said Tinky Winky with a wave, trying to act innocent as possible. "You sir are gonna have to come with us." another one said. "Not on our watch!" came a voice from behind. Tinky Winky turned again and saw a white Teletubby, along with a small yellow car next to him.

 Tinky Winky turned again and saw a white Teletubby, along with a small yellow car next to him

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"Who-who are you two?!" asked Tinky Winky. "We'll explain later," he replied, "you both need to get to safety!" So while he took care of the officers, Tinky Winky and Agumon followed the little car, apparently named "Brum" from his number plates, further down the alleyway. Soon they came to some kind of garage, and Brum pushed a door open from the other side for the two. "You think it's safe to go in?" Tinky Winky asked. "Well the car seems to think so." Agumon answered. "Besides, he along with that other Teletubby did save us, and he looks completely harmless." "I know, but where did they even come from?" Then they saw the white Teletubby run up to them. "Don't worry," he said. "I've taken care of those officers, and no one else is around to see us, so let's go in." So with that, Agumon and Tinky Winky followed Brum and the white Teletubby, as they stepped inside some kind of lab and he closed the door. "Well, I'm surprised you both ended up here," said a voice, "but I'm so glad you're alright." Tinky Winky recognized that voice instantly and knew who it was, as he came face to face with a very familiar vacuum cleaner. "N-N-N... Noo-Noo?!"


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