Chapter 4 - Return to the Prospekt

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Back at the Nova Prospekt, The Announcer had called in The German Doctor into his office. "What is it my lord?" he asked. "Well German Doctor," The Announcer replied. "if you can't tell from this broken window in my office, my prisoners had escaped!"

 "if you can't tell from this broken window in my office, my prisoners had escaped!"

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"Ah I wouldn't worry about that sir." "What? You've got your tank engine spider on their tail? Please... that thing killed the surrounding Combine when they infected him!" "Nope, even better." The German Doctor soon walked over to the screens and played back a bit of footage from the security cameras in City 17, then later paused somewhere and pointed at the screen. "I believe we wouldn't have to worry about where they are sir." The Announcer stared at where The German Doctor pointed and saw the heroes he had been looking for. "Very good German Doctor, very good indeed..." "Thank you my lord, shall I send The Combine over?" "Please do." And with that being said from The Announcer, The German Doctor walked out of the office, while he went over to make his usual announcements.

Tinky Winky, Agumon and Monika, now known as The Three Main Heroes, looked over at each other, still not sure how to feel about being given the title of a "main hero". I mean, Agumon is only a partner to Taichi Kamiya, Monika would've been considered a villain because of what she did to her friends back in her Literature Club, and what about Tinky Winky? All he has ever done in his life is play around with his own friends back in Teletubbyland. "But Noo-Noo,"  he asked, "what do you mean we're like three main heroes?" "Ahh, that is an answer only you, Agumon and Monika could figure out." replied Noo-Noo.

"We might have to get out of the entire City though," Walter added. "it's not as safe as everyone says it is." "You got that right," said Agumon. "Me and Tinky had to witness some kind of spider train back at the Prospekt!" "A spider train, huh?" Noo-Noo wondered. "I believe we had a few reports on that, but for now, I will need Walter to help you three out of there." "But what about you?" Monika asked. "We'll be fine, we just need to get a few things sorted before we leave ourselves." "Well then, good luck Noo-Noo." "Thank you Tinky Winky, you be safe now." With that being said, Walter and the Three Main Heroes walked out of Noo-Noo's lab, ready to make their escape.

Making their way through the alleyway, they heard something coming from the giant main screen of the plaza, and they quickly hide around a corner to see The Announcer in the screen, staring down at Civil Protection officers who were looking up at it.

Making their way through the alleyway, they heard something coming from the giant main screen of the plaza, and they quickly hide around a corner to see The Announcer in the screen, staring down at Civil Protection officers who were looking up at it

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