Chapter 3 - Just Monika

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"Seeing what you've done to those girls in the back, no freaking way!" snapped Agumon. After hearing that, Monika slowly stood up from her desk and looked over to him and Tinky Winky. "Very well," she said, "but it'd be a shame now you're going to end up just like them..." Then suddenly, opening her hands, some glitching pieces of code appear above from them, ready to attack the two, while the three dead girls disappear. "Right that's it, you leave me no choice. Pepper Breath!" Agumon yelled, before he spits a ball of fire at Monika, but she suddenly glitches out the fire and disintegrates it. "What?!" then Monika threw some code at Agumon, as he ran all around the room. Tinky Winky didn't know what to do, even after he digivolved into Greymon. "Nova Blast!" he shouted, as he spews out a flame shot at Monika, which she dodges through her glitching, while Tinky Winky looked around and tries to throw a chair at her, only to miss her from a couple of inches. "Come now," Monika laughed, "this is no way to treat the club president, now I feel like it's time to finish you both the hard way-" "Stop, that's enough!" a voice came from in front of one of the doors, as everyone looked over to see another student, this time though, he was a male. He stared deeply into Monika's emerald green eyes, filled with anger, while she was in shock from the sight of him.

 He stared deeply into Monika's emerald green eyes, filled with anger, while she was in shock from the sight of him

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"M-MC...?" stuttered Monika, "Wha-what are you doing here?!" "I've come to save you from yourself..." he replied, sharply. Silence fell upon the entire room all of a sudden, as everyone stared at MC and Monika. "You don't understand," she said, "I did all this for us, just so we can be together!" "Monika, please just listen to me... I didn't want any of this, I was more happy when the literature club was just all of us. Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, as well as you. Look, I shouldn't even be forced to choose who I want to be with, because the truth is, I love all of you." Monika stared at MC for a moment, till her face became more sad. "...oh my god, you're right." she whispered, as she stared back at Tinky Winky and Greymon. "...what have I done? How could I do such a thing to my friends?!" "You know," Tinky Winky suddenly said, "it's not too late for you to fix everything." "Yeah Monika," agreed MC, "do it for me, as well as them." After a moment to think, Monika took a deep breath and made her decision. "Alright, I'll bring our friends back and revert the whole club to normal... just give me a moment." and then suddenly, the whole world around them seemed to go dark, and then... nothing.

When Tinky Winky and Agumon woke up, they found themselves back in the school with Monika and MC, along with the three girls they saw earlier, except now, they were alive and well. Looking around, they've also noticed that they were in some kind of classroom, and all the while, MC, Monika and their friends stare at them. "Umm, Monika?" "Yes Natsuki?" "Where the hell did these things even come from?!" "I don't know, they must've found a way to get into our world." "I saw them wandering around actually," MC added, "and after hearing what was going on inside the clubroom, I knew I had to do something." "Ooh, you think maybe they've come from an alien planet?" asked Sayori. "Hmm, that could be the case." replied Yuri. "We're not aliens," Agumon said, "we both just came from different universes." "Fascinating..." thought Monika, clearly absorbed.

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