Chapter 10 - The Combine War

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Back at the train station, Thomas arrived with Oishi, Noodles, Walter, Po and two of the main heroes Agumon and Monika, as they stepped out of him. "I hope we find Tinky Winky..." Po sighed. "Don't worry, we'll find him." replied Monika. But then, after everyone saw a bunch of citizens running towards a train on the other side of the station, they were suddenly surrounded by Civil Protection officers, as they stepped in front of the group. "Stop where you are." said one. "In that case," cut in Oishi. "I suppose I won't be needing my disguise anymore." And out of nowhere, she ripped the CP suit off and magically changed into her original demon hunting outfit. Everyone was speechless at the sight, and even the officers were distracted, so much so, that Tinky Winky came up quickly behind them and shot them down. "Is everyone alrig- ...whoa." he asked, before staring at Oishi in her cute, but very revealing outfit, along with everybody else. "...what?" she said, before she huffed. "perverts..."

Suddenly, the Breencast turns on as The Announcer and The German Doctor appear on screen. "Well then," The Announcer began. "looks like you all finally made it in one piece! And yes, we're talking directly to you Three Main Heroes, along with your friends... To be honest, I'm quite surprised you lasted as long as you should've, especially when you cured the red Teletubby and the blue tank engine." "So we've decided," added The German Doctor. "that after The Announcer sent a little message to your vacuum friend, we'll be declaring war, by sending all our Combines and New Borns against you all!" The two then laughed, as The Announcer continued. "Indeed, now we dare you all to try and stop us, since the war will begin in around 10 minutes! So you better be prepared, because as I always say... there are no heroes!" Then the Breencast turns off, right after he finished his announcement.

 there are no heroes!" Then the Breencast turns off, right after he finished his announcement

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"We better go take down that shower head!" Agumon exclaimed. "Agreed," replied Walter. "Po shall stay with Thomas and look after him." "Alright then, let's go." Tinky Winky said, before the group ran out of the station. "What about me?!" asked Thomas. "You wouldn't even be able to do much Thomas," Oishi called out after she turned to him. "you'll just have to stay there once we get back." Then she went off to catch up with the others. Now of course, Oishi wasn't meant to sound rude, she had only said that because Thomas was just a tank engine, but since he couldn't do much, he just pouted. "That's all I can do anyway..." He muttered.

Once they had reached the plaza, the Three Main Heroes, Walter and Oishi quickly ran towards Noo-Noo's lair in the garage, where he and Brum had been waiting for Walter

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Once they had reached the plaza, the Three Main Heroes, Walter and Oishi quickly ran towards Noo-Noo's lair in the garage, where he and Brum had been waiting for Walter. "Ahh Walter, glad to see you again, along with the rest of you." Noo-Noo greeted. "Such a relief to see you main heroes together once more." "Same here," Monika said. "but where is everybody? Why is the whole city so quiet?" "That Breencast from The Announcer and The German Doctor should be the reason, which I assume you've all already seen it." "We did." Agumon nodded. "Would that also explain why so many people are leaving back at the train station?" "Looking through my cameras, yes. And I suggest you all go back to Thomas, the war isn't going to be worth it." Brum honked his horn in agreement. "This will be just another one of The Announcer's schemes, you all need to go." Noo-Noo added.

Monika and Agumon understood a bit, but Tinky Winky stared down at the ground, then back to Noo-Noo, Brum and Walter sadly. "...but, what about you three? You're the one who brought us "heroes" together!" Walter smiled, then put his hands on his shoulders. "We'll be fine Tinky Winky. And just like us, you've got your new friends and I know you'll make it through all this."

After some deep thinking, Tinky Winky made his decision and went off with Agumon, Monika and Oishi back to the main plaza

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After some deep thinking, Tinky Winky made his decision and went off with Agumon, Monika and Oishi back to the main plaza. As Noo-Noo watched them leave through the door, he called out to them before backing into his lair and closing the door. "Good luck everyone..."

Unfortunately, just as the Three Main Heroes and Oishi were quickly approaching the doors back to the train station, they see a whole bunch of Combine Soldiers and New Borns surround them, and as they look closely, they can just see The Announcer and The German Doctor standing on the bridge in front of the Citadel, staring down at them. No one made a move, and the entire city became even more quiet than before. "...going somewhere, heroes?" The Announcer asked. "I mean, why would you ever want to leave?" "Yeah," agreed The German Doctor. "we were just getting started!"

"Announcer, please end this!" called Tinky Winky

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"Announcer, please end this!" called Tinky Winky. "I'm sure there's a more peaceful way of handling everything-" "Oh Tinky Winky..." interrupted The Announcer. "You just don't get it, do you? In my mind, there is no peace around this place. Besides, The German Doctor needed a job, so he abandoned Mann Co. for all this! Although don't worry, you'll see things my way soon..." "Look, whatever we did back home to you, we're sorry!" "Well it's too late for sorrys now Tinky, you all treated me like I was nothing!" "But that was the problem! We tried to fix you like the other voice trumpets back home, and there was nothing we can do about it!" "...I suppose for once, you're right. There's nothing you can all do to me that will make me see sense, the only thing you can do now is meet your fate. So long, heroes..."

Suddenly, by the time the war began, The Announcer lets out a really loud noise, making all the Combine and New Borns charge towards the group. But now with his new friends, Tinky Winky finally gained the courage and fights back with Agumon, Monika, Oishi and Noodles by his side, knowing that this war was just the beginning of this new universe he came to know.

 But now with his new friends, Tinky Winky finally gained the courage and fights back with Agumon, Monika, Oishi and Noodles by his side, knowing that this war was just the beginning of this new universe he came to know

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