Chapter 9 - Announcer's Plans

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It took almost a very long time, but Tinky Winky finally made it back to City 17, using an airboat to escape the Waterworks and "Barney". He made sure that the coast was clear, before he got off the boat and made his way into the city. Tinky Winky had almost forgotten how big the whole place can be, and knew that he had to be careful.

Suddenly, he spots three Civil Protection officers, who they spot him as well then alert more officers and starts shooting at Tinky Winky, even though their aiming isn't that good, giving him a good opportunity to make a run for it.

Suddenly, he spots three Civil Protection officers, who they spot him as well then alert more officers and starts shooting at Tinky Winky, even though their aiming isn't that good, giving him a good opportunity to make a run for it

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Meanwhile, up at the Citadel, The Announcer and the German Doctor were looking down at the city, admiring their work. "Isn't this great, German Doctor?" asked The Announcer, turning to his companion. "My empire of Combines are fully prepared for anyone who dares to take me down!" "Indeed my lord," he agreed. "same thing can be said about my New Borns. Let's see if anyone has the guts to even stop us!" "I know, and as I always say-" The two were suddenly interrupted by a notification through the main office, as they walked in. "What's this?" questioned The Announcer. "It looks like someone is hacking into the security systems!" "How could this even happen?" The German Doctor thought. Quickly inspecting the systems, The Announcer tries to figure out who would be responsible for trying to sabotage his plans, till eventually, he found a hidden piece of code that labeled: N00_N00. "Hmm, I should have known."

Tinky Winky had ran very far from the three Civil Protection officers, till he finally lost them and made it into the entrance of the sewers. He was out of breath, and hoped that he'll find the others soon, as he climbed down the ladder and walked through the sewers. The smell of it was putrid, but then another smell came through a room he passed, which being... pizza? Not to mention the loud music coming through it. Tinky Winky would've loved to have the kind of party whoever was in the room with his own friends back in Teletubbyland, but he knew he has to save them before any of that could happen, especially Po. Then from the corner of the sewers, he saw a familiar vacuum cleaner moving into it's secret lab. He then ran towards the door and rolled inside, just before the door fully closed behind him. Standing up from the floor, he saw Noo-Noo and Brum staring down at him. "Oh, Tinky Winky." Noo-Noo said. "I'm surprised to see you're alright, where have you been?" "I uhh, I got lost when Po threw me off Thomas." he replied. "Speaking of her, where is she?" "We've managed to fully cure her, along with Thomas, so we shouldn't have to worry about their spider-like forms anymore. Although currently now, we are working on a cure for you." Just then, Brum moved over to where a TV screen was displaying static and informed the two to come over and look. "What's going on?" asked Tinky Winky. "Must be some kind of incoming video message, don't usually get a lot of those." As the static faded, The Announcer popped in on screen in front of his office, which used to be Wallace Breen's. Tinky Winky, Noo-Noo and Brum remained silent, as he started to speak.

"So Noo-Noo, we finally meet again after so long. And yes, I managed to figure out that it was you who is trying to stop me from my current plans. You think you're so clever where you've been hiding your little vacuum nose, but believe me, I'm a lot more smarter than you think. In fact, I've been hearing that you recruited some heroes to stop me... how pathetic, especially if it's an old friend of ours. Oh wait, scratch that, I was never considered a friend to any of you anyway! You all been treating me like some kind of prop, the odd one out of all the voice trumpets in Teletubbyland, well no more! For now I have even bigger plans for you all! You see, The German Doctor and I have been preparing our Combines and New Borns to make sure that you're all stopped and the entire universe will be mine to command! Now as you excuse me, I have plans to continue working on, while you might as well work on yours. But at the end of the day, I am sure to win! Because as I always say to myself, there is no such thing as heroes!" And with that being said, the TV switched back to static and turned off.

 But at the end of the day, I am sure to win! Because as I always say to myself, there is no such thing as heroes!" And with that being said, the TV switched back to static and turned off

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"Damn," thought Noo-Noo. "I sure hope everyone else arrives soon." "What do you mean?" asked Tinky Winky, "How come you know so much about this place?!" "Well, they don't call me a genius for nothing back in Teletubbyland." "In that case, I was just about to ask. Where are the others?" "They're on their way back right now as we speak, me and Brum just had to take a shortcut. But right now though, I'd need you to head straight back into the train station." "Wait, what about you two?" "We'll be fine. As long as we stay hidden, as well as Walter looks after Po, I'm sure you heroes will get through this." Brum rocked in agreement, even if Tinky Winky was still not sure. "There should be some weapons in the other room, just in case you might need them." "Oh, thanks Noo-Noo." And once Tinky Winky got everything he needed, Noo-Noo and Brum leads him to a secret exit back to the city, just so he wouldn't have to go through the sewers again. "Well, wish me luck up there." Tinky Winky said, before climbing up the exit and made his way back to the city. He was more careful around Civil Protection this time, but that didn't stop him, because he knew that his friends will be waiting at the station.

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