Chapter 6 - New Born Zone

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The Three Main Heroes, Walter and Thomas arrive back at the main station in City 17, where Noo-Noo and Brum were waiting for them. "Glad you made it, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you Thomas." said Noo-Noo. "Thank you." smiled Thomas, as he watched everyone climb out of his cab, and Agumon jumped off his boiler. 

"Say Noo-Noo," said Walter

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"Say Noo-Noo," said Walter. "While we were at the Prospekt, both Thomas was that spider engine we've been talking about. But apparently, Tinky Winky is infected too... only for a short period of time though." "Yeah, and I already assumed that it was the infected custard that slipped inside of me." Tinky Winky added. Noo-Noo thought deeply about it, till he had a plan. "Hmm... tell you what, while we work on a cure for both you and Thomas, I'd like you to go to a new area. It's called the Quarantine Zone, and we figured out that you heroes might find some information that could be useful to stop The Announcer."

"Sounds like a plan." Monika replied, "Okay everyone, let's roll." As Brum rocked from side to side, wishing Thomas and The Heroes good luck, everyone climbed back into Thomas' cab, leaving Walter with Noo-Noo and Brum. And with a quick whistle from Thomas, they set off.

Even if Thomas and the others tried their best to hide it, they couldn't deny that they were kind of nervous about going to the place during the journey, but before they knew it, they had arrived, as Thomas stopped right next to another train, and was given bad memories of the place. Everyone looked around through the mist that had lifted as soon as they showed up, and once they looked at the entrance to the main building, they noticed words written in blood. It read "Quarantine Zone: do NOT enter." however the word "Quarantine" was crossed out and replaced with "New Born" instead... and with that, the Heroes bravely went inside. 

If there was one word they could describe the place, it would be decaying

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If there was one word they could describe the place, it would be decaying. Dead zombies and Headcrabs lay everywhere and some of them were even stuck in some substance that they didn't dare step on. "What kind of sick joke is this?" Agumon asked. "I don't know," answered Monika. "but we must keep going, no matter how much we don't like this place." "I don't like it much either," Tinky Winky added. "it's so nasty down here!" He was right, and the entire place just keeps getting worse as they kept on walking. 

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