Chapter 7 - Deep in the Waterworks

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Eventually, The Main Heroes, Thomas and Oishi were out of the Quarantine Zone and away from the New Borns. Tinky Winky looked over at the gun, and Oishi smiled at him. "May need a bit more practice," she said. "but at least you're getting there." "Thank you." he replied. "And you know, I'm glad you're all here with me on this journey. Let's hope we don't get separated!" Sadly though, Tinky Winky would speak too soon.

On the way back to City 17, Thomas could feel the rails shake a bit, as he shivered. "Oh dear, my wheels are feeling very wobbly...!" just as Monika looked out of the back of Thomas' cab, a giant red spider creature lands far behind them, roars and starts chasing them down. "Oh my god, quick! Run!!!" Thomas didn't have to be told twice, as he sped down the line as fast as he could, but the creature just manages to catch up to them. Tinky Winky looked back, and noticed that the creature seemed... familiar. "P-Po...?" Then suddenly, Po grabs a hold of Tinky Winky and threw him out of Thomas, just as they were passing the Waterworks, much to everyone's horror.

?" Then suddenly, Po grabs a hold of Tinky Winky and threw him out of Thomas, just as they were passing the Waterworks, much to everyone's horror

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"...ow." was all Tinky Winky could say, when he landed face first onto the concrete floor. As he got up, he wondered at first how his head wasn't broken, but then stopped once he realized where he was, and then saw Po, Thomas and everyone else disappear into the distance. "Great, now I don't know where I am..." he thought, as he started walking around the place.

After walking for a bit, ignoring a no trespassing sign and climbing down a ladder, he was face to face with a large tunnel, leading into some kind of sewage system... and speaking of that, Tinky Winky looked down and realized the filthy substance in front of his feet. "Yuck! I better get inside that tunnel without touching that stuff!" and so he did, but needless to say, it was not very easy. He could've just taken the airboat behind him outside the tunnel, but Tinky Winky didn't want to disturb anyone who would also be around the entire area.

It wasn't long till he came to a stop outside a blocked up gate after a curve of the tunnel. He wondered how he was going to get through, when he noticed a gap next to gate and just manages to sidestep through it and continue his way through the tunnel.

Soon enough though, when he saw what looks to be a base of some sorts and looking down at the nasty substance, Tinky Winky knew he had to go through it to get to the deck on the other side

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Soon enough though, when he saw what looks to be a base of some sorts and looking down at the nasty substance, Tinky Winky knew he had to go through it to get to the deck on the other side. So taking a deep breath, he pushed his way through the toxic water as fast as he could, till he finally made it and dried himself off. "Ugh, glad to be out of that disgusting water!" he groaned. Tinky Winky soon walked up some stairs, over some wooded planks and then stopped right at the edge as he saw a step up underneath, with some kind of purple dinosaur using a computer. But then suddenly, after one of the planks creaked under Tinky Winky's foot, the dinosaur quickly turned and pointed a shotgun at him. "Who goes there?!"

 "Who goes there?!"

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"Umm eh-oh- ...wait a minute, you look familiar." Tinky Winky climbed down a ladder, and came face to face with the dinosaur, who had lowered his weapon. "Oh my god, now I remember you!" Tinky Winky exclaimed, "you're the one who stole my TV ratings when my show ended!" "Yes it's me, your old pal Barney..." "Well, you certainly changed last time I saw you. How did you even get here?!" "Alright, I'll tell you... from one outlaw, to another." and with that, Barney began.

"I was just sitting in the backyard, remembering the great times I had back in the late 80's, especially since now the house had been abandoned, till I heard a loud noise. I looked up and saw a dropship arrive and some of those Combines tried to kidnap me, but I managed to fight back by kicking one of them in the balls, take his gun and shoot at the other ones, then I take their dropship and flew away, to get my revenge. I flew for many miles, till I arrive at City 17. Many more Combines were around the area, so I sneaked my way into an alleyway and got to the city. I was there for a good while, making deals with the rebels, but only killed them instead for weapons, supplies, and even their bases."

Tinky Winky was shocked. Looking over at the computer screen behind Barney, he could tell that he had changed a lot. It was a picture of himself, but he didn't have a bowler hat, an eyepatch or a cigarette in his mouth, and his purple body was brighter and he looked all cheery, unlike what he looked like now. "So, where exactly are we anyway...?" Tinky Winky asked, now looking back at Barney. "We're deep in the Waterworks." he answered. "The sewage system underneath it, of course... not a lot of people really come here, which is why between you and me, it's a good thing." 

An odd atmosphere surround Tinky Winky, there was something about Barney that... doesn't feel like him. "What's the matter Tinky Winky?" he suddenly asked, "Are you scared?" "N-n-no?" Barney then lifts up his gun again and pumps it. "Not even without your little red purse?" "It was a handbag!" "Then answer me this kid, are you going to tell anyone about this?" "No!" "Good, because if you do... then, I'll make sure of it!" 

In an instinct, Tinky Winky turned and ran away from Barney, as he began to shoot him. Going over the planks again, he jumps down and then notices an airboat right next to a large wood pallet full of boxes, so jumping onto it, he carefully makes his way over to the airboat and manages to start it up.

 Going over the planks again, he jumps down and then notices an airboat right next to a large wood pallet full of boxes, so jumping onto it, he carefully makes his way over to the airboat and manages to start it up

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Just as he saw Barney run up from the other side and aims his gun at Tinky Winky, he took off and was out of the base. He stopped for a bit though, just so he could open the gate he saw earlier to let himself and the airboat go past, but nevertheless, he was finally out of the sewers of the Waterworks... and away from the thing that he knew was NOT Barney.

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