Chapter 4

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RJ was running toward the docks where she could hear a few of the boys messing around and laughing

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RJ was running toward the docks where she could hear a few of the boys messing around and laughing. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, her palms were starting to get clammy as she turned the corner to the docks. She could see Mouthpiece, Ice, Balkan, Big Deal, and Tony all running around and wrestling. She looked around for Diesel to see if he was there when Tony caught sight of her.

"Hey RJ! Come to hang with us?" he asks as he sits down on one of the crates on the side of the dock.

"No, although I would love to join you, I'm looking for Deez." She states while still looking for him, as if he would pop out from behind one of the crates. "Have you seen him?" she asks, looking to Tony for an answer.

"I ain't seen him since this morning, I think he's with Riff." He tells her. She curses to herself under her breath, great, she thinks, now I have to ask him to that dance in front of my brother. She thanks Tony and turns to walk away.

"Hey, wait up!" Tony yells and runs up to her, the rest of the boys following shortly after him. She really didn't want all of them to know why she was looking for Diesel, all they would do is tease her for it.

"Why are you looking for Deez, RJ?" Tony asks with a smirk, already knowing what was going on. He was always a big brother figure to her, and he always saw her as a little sister, but he was always less of a hard ass on her compared to Riff. And it was for this reason, and this reason only, that she answered his question.

"I want to ask him to the dance. I think you already know that since you are still smirking at me like an idiot." She states, surprised by her own confidence, since these guys would only tease her relentlessly for saying that out loud. Just as she expected, they all started hooting and hollering, pushing each other around as they laugh at her now red cheeks. When Mouthpiece bumps her shoulder laughing at her, she shoves him harshly away from her as she continues to walk away.

"Oh, come on RJ, you know we's only kidding with you." Mouth says as he catches up to her and throws his arm over her shoulder, the others following them and forming a semi-circle around RJ.

"Yeah, you know we just gotta give you a hard time. I mean, you are basically our little sister." Ice points out and walks on RJ's other side, hooking his arm with hers, trying his best to look like a gentleman. "Oh, please RJ, I beg of you, don't hate us because we tease you." He says with an over exaggerated pout and formal accent.

"Yeah, forgive us, your royal fancy-pants." Balkan mocks as he stands in front of her bowing. She tries to hide her smile behind her hair as the rest of them get down on their knees to beg for her forgiveness. She gets one look at all their pouts and puppy eyes and breaks.

"Oh, ok. Bring it in." She says exasperatedly, but with a giant smile on her face as they all get up and bring her in a group hug. To another person, it would look strange to see a group of boys, who were known for being tough and intimidating, embracing a girl as if their lives depended on it. However, to those boys, these hugs meant everything. Once they all break apart, they continue their walk to the park, hoping to catch the rest of the gang there. The whole way there was filled with laughter and playful shoves, with a little teasing from the guys about her crush on Diesel. Once they made it to the park, they could see the rest of the Jets congregating under the shade of a tree. Baby John was the first to spot them, he ran with open arms to greet RJ with a hug. Baby John always made RJ feel like a big sister, she loved having a little brother to tease and mess around with since she was always treated like the younger sibling. Baby John loved RJ like a sister, if he was ever hurt, she was the person he ran to. He always felt more comfortable being vulnerable with her, he knew she would never judge him for the tears that sometimes left his eyes after a particularly nasty fight.

RJ smiled upon seeing Baby John running towards her and opened her arms, ready for him to tackle her.

"Hey BJ!" she exclaims as he wraps his arms around her and digs his head into her neck. "Have they been giving you trouble today?" she asks as she holds onto his neck.

"Nothing more than the usual. It's just because I'm the youngest." He states with a shrug. He was never bothered by the Jets and their teasing, but sometimes, it went a little far and RJ had to put them back in line. Baby John pulls away from the hug and smiles at her and they make their way to the rest of the boys, who have all decided to sit in the grass while they waited for the "brother-sister" moment to end.

"Hey, you know if it bothers you, you can always come to me." She states and ruffles his hair. "I'll set them straight for ya." She says with a smirk.

"It's ok RJ, I know they don't mean it." He smiles and sits down. He pats the spot next to him in the grass, but RJ hesitates. She looks over and sees that Diesel's eyes are already on her. He tilts his head to the side with a questioning look but gets up when RJ nods her head towards an area away from the rest of the Jets. They walk next to each other in silence until they get out of earshot for the Jets. She stops and looks over her shoulder at Tony who is keeping Riff seated where he is so RJ and Diesel can have their moment. She sends him a thankful look and returns her gaze to the beautiful boy in front of her. He is half a foot taller than her, so she has to tilt her head up to see his eyes. Oh, those eyes, she thinks as she gazes at them in the afternoon light. They are a beautiful light blue, and they are gazing at her with warmth and affection, a look that is only ever seen by RJ. He is smiling at her when she looks at him, it's a close-lipped smile that allows her to see the little dimples that imprint his cheeks. She takes a deep breath and grabs hold of one of his hands. He looks down and slowly maneuvers his hand so his fingers intwine with hers. She feels the butterflies in her stomach and the heat on her cheeks as she looks down at their now intwined hands. She looks back up at him again and can't help it when the words slip out of her mouth so fast, she can't even stop them.

"Will you go to the dance with me?" she asks. She then throws her hand over her mouth and apologizes. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I had this whole speech I was going to say to you, and then it just sort of came out and I couldn't stop it," before she can continue her rambling, Diesel grabs hold of her other hand which causes her to stop. She looks down at their hands and then back up again. Diesel is smiling at her, once again, when she looks up.

"Yes." He says with the biggest smile she had ever seen adorning his face. She couldn't help the smile that spread on her face as she clarified.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Yes, of course, Rachel." He says with a smug smile on his face, but underneath, he couldn't be happier. She completely ignores the name and wraps her arms around his neck. She digs her face into his neck to breath in his scent, still having the biggest smile on her face. She looks over and sees the rest of the Jets hollering and laughing as they roll over each other, completely happy for the two. She glances over to Riff to see a smile on his face, he gives her a wink, she mouths a thank you to him and he nods. Everyone knows that Riff is one of the most overprotective, overbearing brothers to ever exist, but he would never take away the chance for his sister to be happy. He's still going to threaten Diesel later with the "if you hurt her, you're dead" speech, but he wasn't going to ruin his sister's moment right now. She was happy and that was all that mattered.

a/n: they're so cuuute together. next chapter is the dance guys!

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