Chapter 9

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One year and 3 months later

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One year and 3 months later

RJ was making her way around San Juan Hill trying to get the last of the things on her list. She had been taking a lot of shifts at Doc's now that Tony was out of prison and started working and living at the drugstore. The last year without him was hard, but the Jets managed, Riff took over and everything was running smooth. That was until the Puerto Ricans started to show up, change was hard on all the Jets and these newcomers weren't helping. RJ tried her best to ignore all the comments coming from her friends about the Puerto Ricans, mostly because Valentina was Puerto Rican, and she was like a grandmother to her. RJ hated how the Jets talked about the Puerto Ricans, but there was only so much she could do about it. They would listen to her when they were around her and hold off on the rude commentary, but she knew she couldn't stop them if she wasn't around.

RJ had to admit that her favorite part of the day was when Diesel would pick her up from work. He would say hi to Tony and Valentina and make a beeline towards her with a hug and kiss waiting for her. He had never failed to make her smile after a long day and after a while Valentina had learned to love him almost as much as she loved Tony. Diesel made her girl smile and if she was happy, Valentina was happy.

RJ had learned enough Spanish from Valentina that she was pretty much fluent, and that made Valentina's heart swell with pride every time she heard RJ speaking Spanish. That's why RJ was in San Juan Hill getting groceries, they have better food there anyway. She was walking past vendors that had baskets of mangoes, plantains, yautia, guanabanas, cassavas on the sidewalk. She loved the fruits and usually spent most of her paycheck on them. She picked out a few good ones and walked up to the man that was selling them. She didn't miss the confused look on his face, probably because she was the only white girl on this side of town.

"Solo estos, por favor, señor." She said to him, he looked surprised by how well RJ spoke Spanish, but said nothing. She handed him the money for her fruit.

"Aqui estas." He responded with a smile as he gave her the paper bag. She waved goodbye and continued her walk down the block. She stopped suddenly when she saw the Jets walking in the streets. Oh no, she thought, this can't be good. They all dispersed to different part of the market as she made her way over towards Riff. He caught sight of her and pulled Baby John, who was hesitant to join the others, under his arm and made his way over to his twin. He smiled and wrapped his free arm around his sister in a hug and continued to walk towards where the other Jets were.

"What brings you here, sis?" he asks her.

"I'm getting groceries for the house, Riff. You know, so we don't starve?" she asked, gesturing to the bag in her hands. "And what are y'all doing on this side of town? You better not be causing trouble with the Puerto Ricans, Riff, I swear- "

"Of course, we're causing trouble RJ, why else would we be in PR territory?" he asked her as if it were obvious. He pushed Baby John towards the rest of the Jets and turned towards his sister. "Look, the PRs are taking over the west side, it's time we strike back." He explained to her, she would never understand how Riff thinks, but she has a feeling he wouldn't understand her way of thinking either.

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