Chapter 11

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The blues began to play, and the Jets shouted in excitement

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The blues began to play, and the Jets shouted in excitement. They all grabbed their date's hands and made their way to the dance floor. RJ made a move to stand up, but Diesel pulled her back down to his lap. She looked back at him confused, but he only placed his chin on her shoulder and held her closer.

"Just stay like this for a while. They can wait a few minutes." He mumbled into her ear. She giggled and felt herself relax more into his arms, she could feel his heartbeat on her back and closed her eyes in contentment. Their sweet moment was interrupted by Action.

"Hey lovebirds, get your asses on the dance floor." He shouted at them. RJ smirked when she felt Diesel growl in annoyance under her and squeeze her tighter. She giggled and patted his arm to release his hold. He reluctantly pulled his arms away from her waist and got up from the bleachers with her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the dance floor where the rest of the Jets and students were dancing. They joined in with the dance smoothly and twisted and turned throughout the floor. She couldn't help the smile that made its way onto her face as she danced. Dancing with the Jets, the guys that she's grown up with, made her happier than anything.

Diesel was spinning her around when she heard the gym door open. She looked at the door and saw the Sharks and their dates walking in. She could practically hear the glares the Jets were throwing at the entrance of the gym. She could see Bernardo at the front of the group with his girlfriend Anita, leading the Sharks further into the gym. She watched as they strolled further into the gym, their colorful dresses swaying as the did. She saw Officer Krupke take a glass of punch from one of the girl's hands to smell it, when he tried to give it back to her, she only rolled her eyes and walked away. RJ chuckled at the look of disappointment on the officer's face. As the Jets continued to dance, the Sharks started to join with their partners. She could see a couple particularly close to Balkan and Rhonda, as the two pairs turned and twisted Balkan and the Shark, Chucho, gave each other looks of disdain. RJ saw the two of them bump into each other and she rolled her eyes at the argument that broke out between the two. She saw Rhonda push Chucho away and they continued to dance, Bernardo and Anita pushed passed the quarrel and moved to the middle of the floor where they did a complicated turn sequence, finishing with Bernardo holding Anita from behind. RJ smirked at the showmanship from the two, Diesel and her made their way forward towards her brother. Anita turned and landed right in front of RJ, they shared a look and RJ moved forward to get closer to her.

"Eso fue lindo." RJ said and smiled when Anita's eyes widened at the Spanish. "Puedo hacerte uno mejor." She said as she stepped forward to the center where Anita and Bernardo did their trick. She grabbed Diesel's hand and pulled him forward as the music picked up again. He turned her under his arm and dipped her close to the floor, she threw her left leg around his waist, and he turned around as she threw a kick in Anita's direction. Anita backed up and RJ spun forward getting closer to her, doing the same thing Anita did to her. They turned back towards their partners and the Jets and Sharks proceeded to dance separately on their respective sides of the floor. Diesel spun RJ and when she turned, she saw Riff and Grazie bump into Bernardo and Anita. She pulled Diesel's hand and ran towards her brother when she heard his snide comment. By the time they got over there both gangs collided and were pushing and shoving each other. RJ squeezed through the group and got in between Riff and Bernardo, using all her strength to push them as far away from each other as she could.

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