Chapter 13

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RJ winced when she opened her eyes and the sun shined brightly through the windows

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RJ winced when she opened her eyes and the sun shined brightly through the windows. It warmed her face as she replayed her memories of the night before. She smiled to herself and turned over to greet her boyfriend only to find an empty spot beside her. She frowned and sat up in bed, pulling the sheet to her chest. She looked around the room finding clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and got out of her bed, sifting through the clothes on the floor. She put on her underwear and Diesel's button-up shirt from the previous night and made her way to the kitchen where she suspected her boyfriend was. To her surprise, she was met with the smell of eggs and bacon on the stove and the sight of Diesel spreading butter on two pieces of toast. She bit her lip at the display of domesticity, knowing full well that none of the food being cooked was in her apartment last night.

She slowly crept towards him, wrapped her arms around his middle, and rested her head in between his shoulder blades. He looked over his shoulder to see his girlfriend with her eyes closed leaning against him contently. He smiled to himself and buttered the second piece of toast before putting on a plate.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asked her as he took the eggs out of the pan. She hummed a yes against his back and he smiled at her tiredness. "How's your back?" He asked her and snickered while putting the bacon onto the plates. She rolled her eyes and smacked his shoulder in response, he let out a laugh aa she walked over to the counter and jumped to sit on it.

"My back is fine, smartass." She accepted the plate that he offered to her, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. She smiled at him and glanced at her plate, "Did you go to the store this morning?"

"Yeah, there wasn't much in the fridge, and I wanted to surprise you." He told her as he grabbed his plate and started to eat. She stopped mid-bite and glanced in his direction.

"Did you use the money you got from the shop this week?" She asked him, curious where he got the money for their meal. He had been putting hours in at the auto repair shop as much as he could to save up money to buy his own car. He raised his eyebrow in question but nodded his head in response. She sighed and set her plate down on the counter beside her. "I told you not to spend your hard-earned money on stuff like this, baby." She told him and he looked down at his feet, pulling his lip between his teeth. "I don't need to be treated like a princess." She told him and his stare returned to her, he furrowed his eyebrows and placed his plate next to hers on the counter. He took her face between his hands and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"You may not need, or even want, to be treated like a princess, but you deserve to be." He whispered against her lips. "I won't apologize for spending money on my girl because all you do is sacrifice for us." Her posture relaxed as his words sunk in. She knew arguing would get her nowhere, he's almost as stubborn as her brother. She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his nose.

"I love how much you think with your heart, but I would much rather you save as much as you can to get your car. Maybe if we save together, we could get our own place." She told him honestly, he pulled away to look at her eyes and saw she was being genuine.

"Our own place?" He asks her, feeling his heart swell in his chest. They had never brought up the moving out concept in the year they had been together.

"I mean, I know that it would be a little bit of a struggle being away from Riff, but don't you think it would be nice? Having our own space to live together." She responded nervously; she didn't think broaching this topic would be so difficult. The thought of moving out and getting their own place had crossed her mind many times, but she knew it would be difficult to be away from the guys. She had grown up surrounded by the Jets and being out of hollering distance is hard for her to think about. "If it's not something you want then we don't have to, I know how much you love being with the guys, but-" Diesel interrupted her, hoisting her up by her waist and spinning her around the kitchen. She gasped in surprise and wrapped her arms around his neck, he laughed in delight and hugged her tightly against him.

"Of course, I would move in with you baby." He said in her ear as he set her back down on the floor. She smiled at his reaction and pressed a kiss to his lips, tangling her fingers in his hair. When they pulled away, they couldn't suppress the smiles on their faces.

"We'll save every penny we can spare and get a nice apartment with an extra bedroom, so the boys have somewhere to crash." She told him excitedly, already giddy at the prospect of having their own apartment. He smiled at her and connected their lips again.

"I'd save everything if it meant having our own place, Rach." He mumbled against her lips. She couldn't stop the redness that spread to her cheeks when she looked into his eyes, the very eyes she fell in love with a year ago.

"Alright, well I have to get ready for my shift at Doc's, Valentina will kill me if I'm late again this week."

"Okay, I'll walk you there. I'm meeting up with some of the guys there anyway." He responded and began putting the dishes in the sink. She walked into her room and grabbed the black button-up shirt she wore as a uniform, a fresh pair of jeans, and her black Converse before walking into the bathroom to shower.

Once the water was hot enough, she stepped under the shower head and let her head fall back. Her hair became soaked under the relaxing stream and let her mind wander to the rumble. She hadn't thought another rumble would be upon them for a long time, it only being a year and a half since the last one. She hated that she hated them, she wished she could enjoy the rush that everyone else seemed to feel when they were in a fight. She may be able to fight, pretty well she might add, but that doesn't mean she liked it. She grew up around boys who teased her relentlessly, so a little roughhousing was common, but those very same boys who treated her like their baby sister also fought for turf in gang battles. She had to learn how to fight because if she didn't, she probably would've been dead by now. This rumble wasn't just against some local kids trying to earn a name for themselves, it was with guys who fought for a living. This wasn't going to be an easy fight for them, but she knew that they would fight until their last breath to defend their territory because it was the only thing they had besides each other.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her boyfriend entering the bathroom and coughing at the steam that had collected in the space. She didn't notice the temperature of the water before and quickly turned it cooler before she used all the hot water.

"Are you okay babe?" Diesel asked, although muffled by his toothbrush as he brushed his teeth.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She told him, peering around the shower curtain and smiling at him. He spit the toothpaste out of his mouth and rinsed his mouth out before glancing up at her.

"You sure?" He asked while wiping his mouth off with a towel. She smiled at his concern and gestured for him to come closer with her hand. When he got within her reach, she grabbed his shirt and gently pulled him close to her.

"I promise, I'm fine. Just thinking about the rumble, is all." She told him and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth before releasing his now-damp shirt from her grasp. He frowned, furrowing his brows, and placing a hand on her cheek. His thumb brushed against her cheekbone as she closed her eyes at the action.

"Ain't nothin' gonna happen to any of us, ya hear? We're gonna be fine, just like always, alright?" He tells her earnestly; she hums in acknowledgment and presses a kiss on his cheek.

"Alright," she responds, he smiles, pulls the curtain to its original spot, and leaves the bathroom. RJ finishes up her shower and gets ready for her shift at Doc's. After putting her hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face, she exits the bedroom and finds her boyfriend throwing on one of his button-up shirts that he left the last time he stayed over. He flashed her a smile as he fixed his collar.

"You ready?" He asks her while grabbing his spare key. She quickly grabs her jacket off the couch and nods in response. She walks to the door where he is waiting and takes his hand in hers. They exit the apartment, hand in hand, walking down the stairs to the lobby and start making their way to Doc's.

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