Chapter 7

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One week later

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One week later

RJ was never left alone after the dance. Now that the Egyptians had interest in her, there was never a time a Jet wasn't by her side. Most of time she was with Diesel, Riff, or Mouthpiece, them being the ones that she enjoyed the company of the most. She was starting to get annoyed at the constant watch that she had on her, although she appreciated the thought behind her protection detail, she still liked to walk on her own to clear her head.

She was currently walking hand in hand with Diesel away from Doc's, she had started taking more shifts after what happened at the dance, since Doc's was Jet territory. Diesel had made it his job to pick her up after a shift and walk her back home, he always told her it was because he missed her all day, but she knew that wasn't the only reason. Valentina didn't complain about the extra help that she got in the store, nor did she complain about the company that RJ gave her. She continued to teach the girl Spanish throughout the days and RJ was only getting more proficient as the days passed. She heard about what happened at the dance and refused to let RJ leave the store without one of the boys, even though she thought they were troublemakers, she knew that they loved RJ as a sister and would protect her at all costs.

As Diesel and her crossed the street they heard rustling coming from one of the alleys. It was night, late night, so they knew none of the Jets would just be lurking around Doc's right now. All they saw was a dark figure lurking in the shadows between the buildings. Diesel wrapped an arm around RJ's shoulder and continued to walk towards her apartment building about 3 blocks away. She was starting to get nervous; she knew she could fight, and she knew Diesel could fight, but she didn't know how many people were hiding in the shadows. They continued to walk, a little faster now, towards her home, hoping that Jets were around the neighborhood. She clung onto Diesel as if her life depended on it because it probably did, they were now only 2 blocks away from her apartment building. She turned to look behind her and saw not just one, but three people walking behind them, she tugged on Diesel's arm and when he saw what was behind them, he grabbed her hand and started to run. He would've fought, but he didn't want to put RJ at risk, especially when they were outnumbered. They ran as fast as they could towards her apartment, and they heard the running footsteps behind them. They pushed themselves to go faster, RJ thought they were in the clear when she saw the entrance to her apartment building, but she was tugged backwards by her arm. She tried to pull herself away, but another hand wrapped around her arms and the one on her hand was placed on her mouth to keep her quiet. She saw Diesel tackled to the floor by the other two people, she felt tears in her eyes and yelled out for him, but it came out muffled because of the hand on her mouth. She saw him getting kicked and punched and beaten to a pulp, he tried to get back up to get to her, but they just hit him again. She felt the tears fall down her cheeks and the person holding her started to whisper in her ear, she tried to pull away, but she was held into place. She recognized the voice; it was the guy from the dance. She knew that she had to wait for an opening, a moment of vulnerability on his part so she could fight back.

"Shh, Habiba, it's ok. Don't cry, I'm gonna make you feel good." He whispered; her eyes shot open wide, and she threw her head back into his face. She could hear a crack and she knew that she had broken his nose once again. She felt his arm loosen around her and she took advantage of it, she threw her elbow back into his stomach and turned around and threw a right hook to his cheek. He fell to the floor holding his nose and cheek, he glared up at her and she took that as her cue to run. She ran towards Diesel seeing that he was still getting beat up, she threw a punch at the guy that was kicking his ribs, he crumpled to the floor from the force of the hit. She was about to hit the other guy when she was pulled back once again and thrown up against the wall of the alley. She struggled against the hold that he had on her arms, he pressed his lower body against hers so she couldn't kick him, she felt the hardness against her pelvis and choked back a sob. She turned her head to look for Diesel, she saw him being held to the floor by the two guys, a hand covered his mouth and forced his head to look towards her. She felt a hand move down her waist and she whimpered when it made its way lower, she made eye contact with Diesel and he looked ready to kill, but with the two guys holding him down he had no power. She knew that they were close to her apartment, and she knew that there were bound to be Jets up there. She knew that if she yelled out this guy would probably hit her, but she was ready to take that chance. She looked at Diesel and his eyes held so much pain, she knew what she had to do. She sucked in a breath as his hand traveled farther down to the front of her jeans and yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Jets!" she hoped that someone heard her because right when she screamed for her brothers, a fist collided with the side of her head. She looked around trying to get her eyes to focus, but the world was a blur. She could hear Diesel's muffled yells as the two guys holding him down started to hit him repeatedly, she could hear skin meeting skin as they punched him.

She couldn't see, but she felt hands reach for the buttons of her pants and undo them, her breathe started to quicken, her eyes were still unfocused but this time she couldn't tell if it was from the punch she received or the tears now building up behind her eyelids. She could hear the jingling of a belt coming undone, her jeans being pulled down to her knees. She cried and cried, begging him to let her go, he acted as if he couldn't hear her. She tried to find Diesel through her tears, but she could barely make out the shape of the face 3 inches in front of hers. She felt a hand on the band of her underwear, when suddenly she felt nothing. The body that had been pinning her to the wall of the alley had been thrown off her by her twin. She wiped the tears away to see Riff and Tony beating the guy almost to death. She couldn't hear the words they were yelling at him as their fists contacted his body, she just crumpled down to the floor, pulled her knees to her chest, and cried into her hands, relief flooding her body and adrenaline slowly leaving it. She felt arms wrap around her and tried to fight them away, but she heard a voice that made her fists stop flying.

"Hey, hey, I got you." She heard Mouthpiece whisper through her tears. She cried harder and put her hands on his arms. "I got you RJ." He whispers again, she never knew she would be this relieved to hear the voice of her best friend. She looked over his arms to see Balkan and Ice helping Diesel off the ground, the two guys that were holding him down lay face flat on the concrete. She could see how battered and bruised his face was from where she sat and pulled out of Mouth's arms to reach him. She stood up, tears staining her cheeks and tried to walk over to him. Mouthpiece's hand went to the jeans that were around her knees and pulled them all the way up her legs when she stood. She looked at him and thanked him silently, he nodded his head as a way to say, 'you're welcome'. When she looked over at him, she could see her two brothers still beating on her attacker. She ran over and grabbed Riff's shoulder, attempting to pull him off.

"Riff! Get off him, you're gonna kill him!" she exclaimed. He turned around and made eye-contact with his sister, he inhaled a sharp breath and pulled her into a well-needed hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried into his chest, her tears making a wet patch on his shirt. She pulled away and tried to yell at Tony to stop before he killed the guy, but she was interrupted by sirens coming from down the street. All of them froze in their places, Riff gave Balkan and Ice a look, they understood and started pulling Diesel towards the apartment building, he then looked towards Mouthpiece. Mouthpiece nodded his head and picked RJ up bridal style to carry her towards the building. She looked over his shoulder towards where Riff and Tony were, Tony still beating on the Egyptian, the other two had were still out cold on the floor. She yelled to Riff and Tony, trying to get them to follow so they wouldn't get caught by the cops. She struggled in Mouth's arms, trying to break free and run towards her brothers, but Mouth kept a strong grip on her and continued walking.

"RJ, come on, stop squirming. They'll get out in time, they always do." He said to her. Only this time, was different from every other time. RJ knew it, and so did Mouthpiece. She continued to struggle and yell towards Riff and Tony as they made it through the lobby of the apartment building. She could hear the cops getting closer and the only thing she could do was hope that her brothers made it out of that alley.

a/n: sorry guys! cliffhanger, I know, but I'll have the next chapter out soon!

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