lovely days

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El's pov

only a few months ago I figured out I liked-no loved max and not mike I don't know how it took me so long to realize I've always kinda felt like this ever since I met her..i just never had a normal friend that's a girl before.
"el..uh Joyce is watching us" Max softly whispered
"let her" I whispered back
"ok" she giggled
After what felt like hours I pulled back my eyes stung  just the thought of her leaving made me wanna cry..she can tell I was sad and she pulled me in again I held back the river that was in my eyes but in that moment I felt safe and my face felt wet I gripped onto maxs shirt pulling it down a little.
"P..please never leave me again..max"
"'s ok..I won't do that to you again.."
"please.." I whispered but she didn't hear
After about 15 minutes I felt I couldn't cry anymore I pulled away I felt my eyes were red.
" mean the world to me..or whatever that means will told me to say it like 7 months ago! But..I don't want you to leave me again.."
"oh..el..I won't EVER do that again..I..I promise" she handed out her pink I grabbed it with mine will did something like that a few weeks ago.

*time skip 😺*

"what are you doing?"
"uhm imnotdoingannything"
"max..slow down"
"I said I'm not doing anything why? Do you think I'm doing something? Cus I'm not"
I jumped on her and saw she was drawing something I quickly grabbed the paper and my heart melted.

"I jumped on her and saw she was drawing something  I quickly grabbed the paper and my heart melted

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she jumped on me and tried snatching the paper but I just kissed her instead I mean what was I supposed to do? One of the most prettiest girls I know was on top of me and out faces were soo close..her lips were so warm and soft.
" can keep the paper.."
She got off of me and sat on my bed flustered I giggled a bit she looked so adorable.
"its not funny" she said putting her hands over her face.
"It kinda is.."
"it's cute tho" I went to go sit next to her she looked for a quick second and put her head right back in her hands.
"so you...uh like me?"
"no..I love you"
"of course I do! you still"
"yea..I do"
"so does this make us girlfriend and boyfriend?"
" makes us girlfriend and girlfriend since we are both girls"
Max took her head out of her hands and just looked at me..I noticed her freckles..they were brown but they suit her so well..her lips..they were pink and looked soft.
"Can I..kiss you"
"yes..yes you can"
I leaned in closer and smashed our lips together we never broke eye contact once.
"Hey El..look at this super cool drawing I ma...woah..uh..sorry"
I was gonna show you a drawing but looks like your busy sorry" he quickly shut the door and me and max bursted out into was a lovely day..



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