holy shit..

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Max's pov

I woke up sweating and a voice calling my name..
wait..Neil..?.I thought he went to jail
"ok" I put clothes on and went to school I saw the party. I saw el.
"are you ok?"
"yea yea What happend?"
"you were like in a coma for 3 weeks!"
"oh." so it was all a dream..no wonder I could feel everyone's emotions..it all felt so real though..
"max come on!"
"be right there" so me and el aren't a thing..we never gave eachother lovemarks...Jesse..isn't real..el will never love me..it was all my fantasy..
"come here" I followed el to the bathroom where she locked the door making sure no one else was in here.
"You look sad.."
"well I had a dream in my coma..I very good dream.."
"What was it about?"
"oh uh well..you.."
"your dream was about me..?"
"yea..I totally understand if you think it's weird your probably still dating mike."
"actually will and mike are dating.."
"oh really?"
"but why would it be weird if me and Mike were even dating.."
"well..because..I-I love you eleven Jane hopper, I don't often say it but I love you so much.."
"you love me..?"
"yea I guess I do.."
"I think..I love you to.." I looked at her staring into her eyes.
"y-you do?"
"Maxine mayfield, I love you to!" I leaned in and kissed her, it felt way more real then the other times that weren't even real.
"max..?" El whispered, our lips centimeters away and el cupping my face.
"will you be my girlfriend.."
She kissed me again smiling. Even in the end things turned out great..

(A/n) well that's the end!! Hope u enjoyed it

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