Chapter two

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Lettie started to run once she left the gate. She ran down the driveway and stopped when she reached the dirt road. She took a moment to catch her breath. She looked up at the ancient, stoned house she'd just left. A tear found its way down her cheek.

She'd miss Ella and the kids that came and went. Early on, she was heartbroken every time someone got adopted.

She tried for a while to avoid getting close to the other orphans, but that plan didn't last long.  Lettie didn't have it in her to ignore them. They were always so sad when they first arrived. How could she not comfort them?

"Damn it, Lettie!" She spoke to herself in the dead of night. "You're free! Let's get moving!"

With that, she did force her legs to go. She made her way down the road in her white nightgown and bare feet. She could see a paved road up ahead. Was that the way to go?

North. It's north. She continued. Suddenly she didn't feel so sad anymore. She spent year after year wishing she could leave. It might be scary how it happened, but it did!

She started to hum a little tune as she walked. Her voice rang out, filling the empty night air.

"Oh!" Suddenly she felt a burning sensation in her chest.

The necklace Ella had given her was glowing. The stone was burning hot.

"What is happening?" She asked no one.

As the words left her mouth, she saw it. It was in the distance, very far in the sky. A dark black cloud floated heavily through the sky. She didn't know what it was, but it felt so wrong. She took one step towards it, and her necklace grew hotter.

"Ouch! Stop it!" She yelled at the blasted thing.

She stepped backward, further away from the thing in the sky. The stone cooled some. Was it meant to warn her?

No time! She could swear she heard Ella's voice in her head for a second. She didn't waste any time reflecting on it; she just ran.

Do not let that thing near you! She was sure it was Ella's voice now.

Her legs pumped with all their might as she ran as fast as she could. Once she reached the paved road, her bare feet started smacking hard with each step. It hurt bad.

She stopped for a second under a streetlamp to catch her breath. The necklace stopped glowing and was calm again. She looked up at the sky and no longer saw the thing.

Did ducking into the light make it go away? She wondered as she glanced up at the streetlight.

Ella? Talk to me. She begged silently to little avail. Was she on the right path, at least? Where was this, he?

She glanced over and noticed a bunch of wildflowers alongside the road. Several had been crushed.

She hurried over to them, nervously leaving the streetlight. Luckily, the necklace stayed cool.

Poor things! How could anyone be so cruel as to crush them like this? She knelt closer and took a better look. Maybe she could save them if she could get them into the water and re-root them. She didn't have a bag, but she did have her flannel. She slipped it off and set it down. She could wrap them up in it. So long as she was careful. Once she figured out where to make shelter, she would tend to them. She carefully squatted down. She began to uproot the damaged flowers. She was slow and careful not to harm them any further.

She was focused on her task when she heard footsteps on the gravel behind her.

"Oh!" She gasped as she stood up.

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