Chapter Five

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Lettie woke up midday after her restless and long night. Even though she couldn't see the sun through Nathanial's thick curtains, she could feel it.

It must be late afternoon, she mused. She climbed out of the very comfy bed she'd slept in. Her feet were still achy and sore from her long walk. She rummaged through the clothes she'd brought up to the loft. She loved all the old-fashioned dresses. She found a red one with tiny white flowers on it. She picked that up along with some undergarments and headed downstairs.

She could see Nathaniel left the latch to the cellar open.

How weird to think he was down there sleeping in a coffin! She was still trying to wrap her brain around all that. He sure was handsome, this vampire bodyguard of hers.

She wondered if he ever got close to any of his charges. She knew he had called Greta a friend. Was she ever anything more? She couldn't help but be curious about him. He lived a long and storied life. He must've fallen in love at some point. Try as she might, she couldn't see it. Cold and stiff, Nathanial being all lovey with someone. She could nearly laugh trying to envision it. Only she didn't. The very idea bugged her for some reason.

She put it out of her head for the time being. She took her time enjoying a nice long bath. It was amazing not having to share the bathroom with other kids!

Once she was freshly cleaned and dressed, she went to check on the wildflowers.

"Oh, you're all looking so good!" She squealed in delight. "Let's get you in the dirt!"

She carefully picked up the water glasses. Balancing them in her arms as she made her way outside.

The bright warm sun felt so good on her face. Ella rarely let her go out during the day at the orphanage.

She found a spot near the strawberry bush to plant them.

"You're getting some pretty neighbors." She plucked herself a handful of sweet berries first. They were so sweet and juicy!

"Yum! Your fruit is delicious!" The bush looked even more significant and brighter at her compliment.

She then got down carefully on her knees to plant the flowers. It didn't take long, but she got her knees and feet all dirty.

"Oh well." She laughed as she brushed the dirt off.

She headed back into the house. It was so quiet. She was not used to being quiet at all.

She found a spot on the couch and sat for a while.

After what felt like a million hours, she was bored. She started to wonder what Nathanial looked like in a coffin. The curiosity began to nag at her.

Maybe she could just take a quick peek. Just a quick one, and then she'd run back up. With that decided, she tiptoed down as quietly as she could. The top of the coffin was open. Nathaniel was lying on his back inside of it. He was so still. He looked like a corpse.

She got a little closer and was stunned at how dead he looked. He didn't even seem to be breathing. Maybe he didn't need to?

"Boo!" He sat up suddenly

"Ahhhh!" She jumped back with a scream. She clasped her hand over her heart which was beating wildly.

He started laughing and heartily at that.

"Not funny!" She yelled once she had herself under control.

"I thought it was." He said as he climbed out of the coffin.

"You told me no one but your maker or soulmate could wake you." She recalled.

"If it's closed." He clarified. "I wasn't in a deep sleep."

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