Chapter Sixteen

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Lettie had jumped into the void many times, but this was different. This time, it was like being in a vacuum, but it was so fast she hardly had time to fathom it before they landed, quickly and with a jolt. With a vivid grip, Prue held tight to Lettie's arm as they came to a standstill. Lettie's eyes were squeezed tight, and she was afraid to open them.

"Where are we?" Prue spoke, and Lettie finally opened her eyes.

Lettie looked up to see hundreds of fireflies lighting up the vast sky. It was dark but not as dark as the cave she and Nathanial ended up in; a faint blueish glow illuminated the wide field they stood in, it was void of any grass, but it had some trees surrounding it. A faint buzzing could the noise be heard from the fireflies above.

"Give me back my necklace," Lettie demanded.

"Here." Prue handed it to her. "I'm sorry, Lettie. I was desperate. Do you think it worked?"

"I don't think so," Lettie said as she concentrated on the necklace, causing much light to flow. "The cloud sucked us up here."

"I know this place! It's the battlefield where the last battle occurred before The Order was formed. Or it was." Prue started walking the field, and Lettie followed her.

"These realms are replicas of where they were created," Lettie explained. "I have to find the void."

"The void?"

"The hole we can get back out of," Lettie said as she frantically scanned for it, she nearly tripped on a branch, but Prue's vampire reflexes saved her quickly.

"I got you." Prue righted her quickly.

"Why help me now?" Lettie frowned as their gazes met.

"I never stopped helping you," Prue insisted. "We need these answers."

"I was figuring out another way." Lettie felt so betrayed and angry; she had never had feelings like those before; they were horrible.

"Because Nate wouldn't let you do it your way," Prue pressed. "You should get to choose for yourself. I saw in your eyes that you wanted to do it."

"Nathanial and I decide together. What if he thinks I betrayed him now?" Lettie shuddered at the thought of him feeling as she did.

"He knows you would never."

"You had no right. I trusted you." Lettie found tears burning her eyes. "No one has ever fooled me like that before. I hate this feeling."

"I'm so sorry, Lettie," as Prue spoke, her eyes filled with remorse. "The Order, they found us. I got desperate. But listen, this is good. You should know anger and stuff like that; we are about to be up against some evil ass beings."

"I know," Lettie bit her lip nervously at that. "Let's keep going."

"What are we looking for?"

"The sky will look darker, nearly pitch black in a large area; that's the void," Lettie explained as they walked up ahead.

Lettie saw a long narrow path surrounded by trees and started that way, Prue caught up quickly to her.

"I have been watching your back since I got the vision, faery girl," Prue said as they walked. "I even turned myself and denounced all my powers to keep that vision to myself."

"I saw myself how upset it made the other witches," Lettie murmured.

"I get creative sometimes and think what you will; I do it for a reason. Do you think the five-hundred-year vow was just for fun? It wasn't. I knew Nate needed a purpose to keep going."

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