Chapter Three

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"This way, let's go already!" The vampire urged her along.

They'd finally managed to uproot all the crushed flowers. He was surprisingly quick and agile with those big hands of his. He could've just grabbed her and dragged her away. Instead, he helped, even if crabby about it.

She carefully folded her flannel with the flowers in it. Then she picked it up as she stood to follow him. The wind was howling as it grew stronger. She started to shake from the cold.

"Here." He turned and shrugged off the black jacket he was wearing. He then handed it to her.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she gave him a soft smile. "Thank you, Nathanial."

"You're welcome." He returned her sentiment but not her smile.

His face was tense, his jaw set in a firm line. His eyes were scanning the area carefully around them. He brushed his thick, inky hair from his face. He looked so normal, like this. Like any other man. Well, he was a lot more handsome than any other man. But the monster she'd met just moments before was long gone.

What a sight that had been. The two vampires in front of her. The taller one backed up against a tree with one hand. Both had glowing eyes and razor-sharp white fangs. For a moment, she thought she was maybe dreaming. But one can't dream up a sight like that.

"We need to hurry. This wind will carry your scent far." He said in a crisp tone.

He didn't wait for her to respond as he started walking again. She slipped his jacket on. It warmed her in an instant. She picked up her steps as best she could. Her feet were abused badly by the pavement.

He stopped and looked at them for a moment. "We don't have time for this. I'm going to pick you up."


He was gentle but swift; she was in his arms in a moment. Then suddenly, the world went blurry. "What's happening?" She asked, but she wasn't sure if her words made it out of her head.

They came to a stop. He set her back down and held her for a moment as she rebalanced. They were on a new street in front of a car. At least she could see straight again, but...

"How did we get here so quick?"  She asked in a stunned breathy voice.

"I move fast. "

" that blur?"

"Superhuman speed. One of my perks." He took something from his pocket. The car beeped, and she jumped. "Sorry, get in. We got to move."

"Okay." She was about the ride in a car! Her heart raced a little as she walked to the door. She opened it and climbed in. It was comfy. She put the seatbelt around her and easily found where to click it. Lettie Sky in a car! She'd always dreamed of this.

He had already gotten in, and the engine roared to life. She jumped again at the sound.

"Have you never been in a car?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No. I grew up in an orphanage." She explained. "I saw cars sometimes when kids got adopted. I always wanted to ride in one!"

"I hate to break it to you, but it's not that exciting." He said flatly as the car started to move.

He was wrong! It was so cool to be sitting as they moved. She loved looking out the window. The trees whizzed by them as they drove past. A smile washed over her face for just a moment, despite the horror of the evening.  She sat and just enjoyed herself quietly as he drove along.

It was still dark in the dead of night; she shuddered at that. She luckily didn't see that thing in the sky. Maybe the light from the car would keep it at bay?

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